Jun 01, 2009 20:53
Work sucks. They keep coming up with stupid, new rules and proceedures. I don't even want to go into it all now, just to say that Wal-Mart sucks for me right now.
Squish just finished the second grade. Her grades weren't stellar, but they weren't horrible either, B's and C's. Pumpkin (formerly Baby J) is getting HUGE! When she tries to call me MaMa, it comes out BaBa. I joke with my mother that I'm going to be called Bubba. She's almost a year now, trying to start walking. It's not fair, she's not supposed to be that old yet. Squish had her first ballet recital Saturday. My eyes itched the whole time.
We have two kittens, one was in a wall of a friend's neighbor's house. He wasn't old enough to be weened and we think he's going to die in the next few days. The other we got from some friends whose cat had kittens. They named the kittens Twilight, Edward, Bella and Lilith. We were supposed to get Twilight, because that was the Mom's favorite, but then she decided to keep her and we got Lilith instead. Well, hubby didn't like that name, so after watching much Firefly, he decided on Feo (pronounced fay-oo), meaning garbage, crap or shit because she proceeded to get lost in crap when we got her home.
Well, because of the kittens, I now have to live on allgery pills. Also, I didn't think anything when my eyes itched. It turns out, I have pink-eye. So, I missed work Sunday and today. Tomorrow is Inventory Day, so management is freaking out. Oh well. I don't think they REALLY want me there with something so infectious, especially since I work in the Infants and Girls departments.
OK, gonna go now, I have to put in more drops.