Apr 30, 2009 00:12
OK, hubby has seizures (we're working on getting him on disability) and there is this neighbor that comes over (pretty much every day) and hangs out, especially when I have to work. Well, she smokes, as does hubby, but she almost never has any cigarettes of her own. She bums off hubby. Even the cheapos cost over $4 a pack (which is better than some places, I know) and since I only work part time, money is an issue. She came over today (was waiting when we got back from the dentist) and stayed for a few hours. Hubby listened to a CD on the stereo with the headphones on, I listened to the mp3 player with headphones on, she listened to Squishy do her reading homework (has to earn those cigs somehow) and played xbox. After hubby and I got supper ready and she snagged a piece of chicken, she asked for another cig. Hubby told her he was out and that I limit him to a pack a day and that I won't go buy him anymore until tomorrow. She left within 30 minutes. Normally, she would have been there for at least 3 more hours. Damned leech.