Who: Crescent, Hojo and Kiribani, Reno.
Where: Shin-ra Labs
When: 2 weeks after their original meeting (starting in advance since the log might take a while to complete)
What: Basic "treatment"
Warnings: Reno language, Possible weirdness since this IS Hojo we are talking about, but most of the warning is for Reno's language. *nods*
welcome back Mr Kiribani )
Forty-eight minutes later, if Hojo was keeping count, the boy finally turned up... strolling in in that strutting carefree manner that quite obviously didn't say, 'I'm so very sorry, Professor Hojo, sir, but I appear to be late, please accept my humble apologies and I'll make sure it never happens again'.
Hell, he had a reputation to keep up, right? And be~sides... he had a damn good excuse this time! Ha! Never thought he'd ever choose to stay in his office and work on that fucking paperwork over anything else, but hey, he'd proved himself wrong!
"Sorry I'm late, yo," he drawled off in the slum tone, though his voice and expression easily portrayed he was nothing of the sort, "totally got caught up in a tonne 'a paperwork."
Heck... and he wasn't even lying.
Pausing in the middle of the room and folding his arms, the boy waited. In a way, he was... well, kinda relieved, actually. It was pretty cool comin' back for something straight forward, rather than a follow-up being full of needles and tests and trying to determine whether everything was okay.
Hell, he could get used ta this...
"Sorry I'm late, yo,"
"Late? Oh? Where you?" Hojo shrugged slightly, "I had not realised it was getting so late."
Eyes narrowed as he assessed the boy walking in, yes, at least the boy was sober, that would make it pleasant, and well, he could consider the after effects of the potion as punishment for being late. Perfect.
"Now... just sit there please." He gestured to the seat, picking up a small vial with a yellowey orange liquid in it.
"Erm... gee, thanks man, an' I totally appreciate th' offer 'n all... but I really don' wanna see one 'a yer samples, thanks..."
Hojo pee. Ew. That was enough to make him wanna throw up, right there.
He handed the vial to Reno with what appeared to be a complacent grin.
"Drink. Unless you prefer it to be given in another not so pleasant form."
Oh this would be fun to watch.
The liquid itself would not taste that nice, Hojo had seen no reason to sweeten it for this insolent brat of a childish Turk. Not that it would make the boy throw up, although it might just give him the sensation of Wanting to for a few brief seconds after finishing it.
Seriously, yo. How the fuck was he s'posed to drink something he'd convinced himself originated in the slimy professor's bladder???
Swirling it around a bit, he frowned... glancing up at the man. Hooo, boy, fuck. This was just fuck'n peachy.
"It ain' toxic, izzit?" he asked, even as he drew it to his lips, and inhaled the tiniest of sips, barely letting the tip of his tongue touch the fluid itself... and wrenching away in complete and utter revulsion, gasping out loud at the taste.
"FUCK!! The fuck izzat shit?!"
He coughed a little, and shuddered. Ugh, man... seriously... this was just beyond fucking cruel. He was almost wishing he would just get a shot.
Almost. Not quite.
"Come now. Do not be such a baby." Hojo chided the red head for his rather overenergetic reaction.
"All in one go and it's over, it is not as if it is a large amount."
Somehow he managed to keep the laugh out of his voice, because he knew, he knew the moment that liquid was in the boys stomach, it would start taking effect, and the process would be fascinating to watch.
The animals he had tested it on, had all revealed signs of wanting to throw up, although such was impossible since the forumla burnt away any food already inside the body, in fact, it would continue to do so whenever the Turk ate now for hte next two or three weeks. Not that it would effect him adversely in that effect, the formula was substance enough for those two to three weeks, after that, hunger would set in as the body attempted to make up for all the missing time.
That was the first effect. The second was often later in coming, tingling where the liquid was getting absorbed, usually around the major muscles, legs, arms, face. He had watched rats literally scratching off their own ears and almost their tails completely off on occasion. Not that a human was capable of such so he was not all that concerned. Plus from what he had witnessed there was no set pattern for it happening, sometimes it could appear and then fade only to return a few days later.
ALl in all, the Turk was not due for much fun over the next couple of weeks.
The antidote, which he would give him next time around, would erase the negative effects while keeping the good ones, although he had yet to test that to see what the cons were. So would not give it to the boy just yet.
With an overexaggerated sigh of preparation, he took a deep breath... and flung the vial back, throwing the liquid straight to the back of his throat, where he swallowed, firmly, not caring that he almost choked it back up on the way down from the jerky movements of his head and neck. Coughing, he winced, shuddering violently in response to the bitter revolting taste, the scent of which could only be compared to Shin-Ra lavs in the mornings or real late at night, the taste of which was making his eyes water and his mouth burn.
... Fuck. Ugh! That was jus' fuck'n nasty.
Shuddering again, he tossed the vial back onto the desk Hojo had selected it from, and twitched just a little. In his stomach, the liquid began to bubble somewhat, and he retched, wondering if he might burp... feeling like his stomach and chest were filling with air, jaw stretching wide to try and belch it out...
Ugh... man... sweat... why did he feel so fuck'n sick...???
Turning to glare at Hojo, he retched again, half expecting to throw up on the floor, long skinny fingers clawing at the sides of the chair in pain, then at his chest in panic. Throwing his head back as the bubbling intensified, he glared at Hojo... eyes revealing rage and fear.
"The... the fuck you done t'me?!" he demanded, before leaning over and retching again, noisily.
"Nothing much, it will take a little time for your body to accept the foreign substance that is all. By all means take your time while you are here, try to relax... it should be all over in about.. hm... half an hour. The effects would have been quicker except with your lateness they were able to become exposed longer to the air than was necessary, really your own fault you know."
The smirk revealed that Hojo was indeed enjoying this show though.
"The main symptoms should fade after about ten minutes, although I advise you remain seated for the next half an hour in case they return.. after that of course, you are free to go."
Oh but this was a beautiful payback for all the times Kiribani had annoyed him far too much. For all the bad language, and the insults, to see the boy now so humbled before him, oh yes, he was going to enjoy this, knowing that the boy would have little choice but to continue returning to him for the moment, that is if he wanted to survive.
"You will require the antidote in about two weeks time, so I do not suggest you skip your treatment, failure to receive the antidote on time could be fatal after all.."
Chuckling softly to himself he began to write down on a piece of paper his discovery of the test on an actual human being.
Another retch cut him off, and he doubled over, violently, slender hands clawing at his stomach and chest, tugging at the baggy white shirt that suddenly felt like it was crushing his chest. However, despite the violent heaving, nothing actually exited his stomach through the undesired path it seemed to be wanting to take.
Fuck... fuck! Half an hour?! How the hell was he s'posed to sit here like this for half an hour?!
Scowling, the boy snarled up at Hojo, easily catching the smirk. "Yer lovin' ev'ry minute 'a this, aren'cha, creep?!" he demanded, high tenor drawl seething with rage and hatred. Fucker...! He'd get him the fuck back for this... if he puked, it was gonna be all down that pretty white labcoat...
With a grunt, he moved to stand... and immediately crashed back down into the chair again with a noise of confusion and pain, a throbbing dizziness attacking his head the moment he shifted positions. Fuck... ugh, man, this was... ugh...
He glared at the professor at the mentioning of the antidote, hiding any fear that may have otherwise peaked in his eyes. Fatal...? Shit. The fucker really was enjoying this, wasn't he?!
Had to be at least five minutes gone by now, surely... another violent retch, and he swore under his breath once more.
Later he would have to be more careful of course, but then by later the red head should Realise the benefits of said medication.
"You are going to have to have patience my boy. Yes? It will take time for your body to become adjusted to its new limits... much improved upon your old ones I assure you."
Putting the book down to walk over to the young Turk, a look of, could that be amusement? on the older mans face.
"Within about five more minutes you should find standing a little easier.. although I would advise you take it easy for the prescribed half an hour. Yes... I think that would be a good idea."
He had almost reached the younger man when he turned his back again, walking, arms behind his back folded into themselves, towards his desk.
"Yes.. that should suffice quite nicely I believe.."
Heh... well, that'd be a turn up, wouldn't it?
Five minutes... ngh... okay... five minutes, he could do that... ngh... right?
Leaning over the chair, he waited for a few moments, before drawing himself up, fighting the fact that his legs felt like jelly to stand there, refusing to sit again.
He threw the scientist a cocky smirk, despite the rising feeling in his stomach, and snickered.
"Take it easy? Wha... whatcha talkin' 'bout, 'fessor? I'm havin' the time 'a my life."
Five minutes always seemed like Such a long time when one wasn't well. Still, not his problem.
He waited out the five minutes before nodding to Reno, although the chances were, the difference would be felt already.
"Now. If there is anything that puzzles you.. you should tell me. My door for the moment is open to you, since I am aware you would not contact me unless it was the most dire emergency."
He adjusted his glasses slightly as he spoke. "Side effects you should look out for are minor increases in speed and strength.. you should probably watch how you open doors in case you smash one.. that kind of thing. Do not be alarmed at any sudden bursts of power, they should leave you feeling rather.. revitalised."
He gestured to the door.
"As I said. Take it easy for a while... and return in the next two weeks. I will leave it up to you when tyo make the appointment, although if you start feeling weaker rather than stronger... you should probably return sooner."
Chuckling softly to himself he turned his back ont he Turk once more going about his own business.
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