Who: Crescent, Hojo and Kiribani, Reno.
Where: Shin-ra Labs
When: 2 weeks after their original meeting (starting in advance since the log might take a while to complete)
What: Basic "treatment"
Warnings: Reno language, Possible weirdness since this IS Hojo we are talking about, but most of the warning is for Reno's language. *nods*
It had been two weeks since their last little meeting and Hojo had everything prepared. He had been working hard on the strengthening mixture, hopefully it should do everything it was supposed to with very few side affects. At least it had stopped showing physical side effects on the creatures he had tested it out on.
He set everything up as it needed to be done before waiting for Kiribani to knock on the door, he had already sent a message that the boy should return to him for a follow up. Reno would know what that meant.
Lips curved into a smirk as he considered the eventual result of this set of meetings that would if justice still survived spell the end of his rival once and for all.
Now, back to the task at hand. A chair in the corner would suffice for this visit. Next time around he would need to get Reno on the table it was true, to see what needed doing fully, a proper physical examination would be in order.
For now though, Yes, for now, he sat down at his desk and got on with some paperwork while he waited for Kiribani to turn up.