Giles through Sunday, November 7

Nov 07, 2010 20:43

+ akainagi: Insomnia Part 6 - Giles/Buffy, FRM, Stephen King's Insomnia crossover
+ angelus2hot: Vamp!Giles - Giles, Buffy, FRT
+ duh_i_read: Done with the Compass - Giles/Olivia, FRM
+ slaymesoftly: Untitled - Giles, FRT
+ mythichistorian: Anamneses - Giles/Olivia, FRT
+ indri: In the Morning of the Magicians: Chapters 9 to 13 - Giles/Ethan, FRM
+ brutti_ma_buoni: Temps Perdu - Giles, Ethan, FRT
+ ljs: Cold and Warm - Giles/Anya, FRT
+ littleotter73: "Where Do We Go From Here?" chapter 13 - Giles/Buffy, FRAO
+ The Better Path, chapter 1 - by Petronius, gen, FRT, link
+ airlocking: Youthful Indiscretions - Giles/Jenny, FRM

Drabbles & Ficlets
+ vamp_squirrel: "Flight" drabble - Giles, FRC
+ leni_ba: Giles: Through The Seasons - 7 drabbles, gen, FRT
+ perletwo: "Fury" - gen, FRC
+ 0_ruthless_0: six 'Haunt' Drabbles - Giles/Ethan, FRM
+ brutti_ma_buoni: If You Call Her, She Will Come - Giles, Ben, gen, FRT
+ mwrgana-muse: And Roger Daltrey Too - Snyder, Giles, gen, FRT
+ il_mio_capitano: Deceived by Flight - Giles, Buffy, gen, FRC
+ 0_ruthless_0: 2 Flight drabbles - Giles/Ethan, FRT

Fan Art
+ polly1esther: Nothing Else Matters - Giles/Buffy fanvid
+ pamsblau: Halloween BtVS Icons - 16 of Giles
+ crystaldrake: 20 Whedon Icons - 1 of Giles
+ zarajade123: Multifandom Icons - 1 of Giles
+ eleusis_walks: Favorite Giles Moment - picspam

Prompts & Contests
+ open_on_sunday: Prompt 398 is "lantern" - your drabble responses sought

+ whedonesque: 'Merlin' gets a fourth series
+ thedothatgirl: Hallowhedon 2 Convention - Report and Photos.

+ twosomeofcute: 064 - The Coven feedback post - Giles/Jenny, FRAO
+ twosomeofcute: A Twosome mix, Volume 1: "It's About the Journey" - Giles/Jenny fanmix
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