Hey all! I even got this rec in on time!
I'm enjoying poking about in old archives and finding older stories that haven't seen the light for a while. I found these in an archive from November of 2005. (I find the interest in that I wasn't even watching Buffy back then.)
My first choice is set in season five, after Riley leaves. Buffy is frustrated and has a lot of pentup energy. During a training session, Buffy realises that Giles has that same lonely and frustrated thing going. And that he has a thing for her. So where do they go from here? The story is called
Eight Days a Week: Day One by gileswench and I think it's part of a series, although I haven't found the other days. (I will keep looking and I'll let you know if I locate them.) It was well constructed and the sex was smoking and I love the idea of Rupert showing her how much of an adventure sex can be. This one is rated FRAO.
The second story is set after the series is over, maybe season nine-ish. At first I was a bit confused as it seemed to be a Loren-centric story, but then it linked him up with Faith, Buffy, and Willow. And I really liked how the author did that. Loren has opened a bar in Europe and the girls go in there to celebrate Buffy's 25th birthday. And who should come in but Angel, Spike, and Illyria, Buffy is trying to grasp that her two old lovers aren't dust when Giles walks up behind her and tells her that he brought them to her for a birthday present. When she figures out he wouldn't have come if he wasn't bringing them, all hell breaks loose. Can they patch this up? It's called
Long Overdue by Gilesbabe. It's very well written and I like how we get the story like an observer on the sidelines, not knowing what is in Buffy's or Rupert's heads. Cute ending too.
My third choice is a bit shorter, but I really liked it. It's set well before Buffy and Rupert meet. It's during Rupert's school days. In this one, Ethan is there too. (I should warn you that it's an Ethan/Rupert story.) It's cold out and they are walking in a deserted area of the school. Ethan gets a whim and challenges Rupert that if he really loves him, he should kiss him, right there, out in the open. Will he do it? It's called
Kiss Me, I Dare You by maddogs991. I liked this look at much younger Rupert and Ethan.
My fourth story is another short one. It's set in season 4, at the end of Superstar. Buffy is still upset that Riley didn't know that Faith was in her body and Jonathan gives her some advice. When she thinks on it, she decides he's right. There are more deserving men out there than Riley and she goes to Rupert's house to see if he agrees with her. It's called
Through Everything by Scratchingpost 1. I liked the cuteness of this one.
My last pick for the day is set in season 3, during Beauty and the Beasts. When Rupert and Faith went off to find Pete, what did they talk about? This isn't a relationshippy piece, but it is an interesting look at two people who have been around in life and it adds another layer to the way they see each other. It's called
I Think We Broke Her by nikitangel. It's short, but I think it's well written and keeps the two of them in character.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. Have a great weekend and happy reading!