WTF Spiders?!?

Nov 21, 2010 01:54

I just got done reading a Hyperbole and a Half post about spiders and, in a weird stroke of cosmic comedic timing, I look up towards the ceiling and guess who happens to be reading the comic over my shoulder (or just crawling around looking for another bug to eat...whatever)? guessed it.

It got me thinking (well, first it made me grab my cane and smoosh it before it decided it really couldn't quite make out that last line of text, so let's go land on that big guy with the fleece on)...I really would love to know where these damn things keep coming from. Seriously, I must find a spider a month cruising around on our ceiling. Granted, we have a lot of ceiling connected, between the kitchen, living room and dining room, but still. I mean, it's not like we leave the doors and windows open with a sign that we're taking in lost, tired, and/or hungry spiders. And yet, they still somehow manage a way in.

Now here's where my warped and overactive brain, fueled by far too many cartoons as a kid, kicks in. I somehow picture the spiders like Jerry the mouse from the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. He always seemed to have some sort of nifty way to get into the house (or getting to other spots once in the house) via creative entryways and passages. Tom boots Jerry out of the house and, lookie there...he's moving that electrical outlet cover plate and he's back in like Flynn. For some reason, I'm suddenly picturing the spiders have such a pathway in, complete with little signs in spider-ease telling them which direction to head for food/shelter/etc. Like some sort of bizarre spider underground railroad, giving them passage to the promiseland of the indoors, where they can freak the hell out of the large giants inside simply by wandering around above their heads.

Ugh...and now, as I go to sleep tonight, I'll have to keep an eye on the ceiling for the next "guest" at Hotel Brooks.
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