Happy Halloween!

Oct 30, 2005 23:09

Less than an hour until it is oficial so,

Happy Halloween!

Daniel and I watched the 100 Scariest Horror Movie Moments or whatever on Bravo last night and I was shocked that The Birds (which I personally fnd more firghtening than Psycho) did not make the top ten, in fact, I don't think it was in the top fifty! They had lots of horror movies on there that I have seen, lots more I have meant to see, adn a few I had never heard of including a movie called Susperia, which looks amazing!

God day all told my Giants spanked the Redskins1!! Jeff finished second, granted that just makes him the first loser, but better the first loser than the fifteenth or the thrity fifth or something ridiculous like that!

movies, football, halloween, nascar

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