Today has been interesting to say the least. I woke up not feeling great, but I thought it was because I was getting a cold and was having cramps. There's stuff that needs to be done at work, so I decide to go in, get that done, then go home. I got about 30 minutes into work before I realized that I had to pee.
Then it all went terribly, terribly wrong.
Picture if you will me on a toilet getting hit with intense pain in my torso and the feeling of something inside me shifting. That's the only way I can describe it. It hurt so bad I couldn't breath and immediately felt like I was going hurl. Which would not have been good, since that would have completely blocked my exit out of the stall. I am not a crier, but woooo doggies I involuntarily burst into blubbering tears. Snot was running down my face: it was not pretty. For a few minutes there I thought that I was going to be stuck in on the toilet forever because I couldn't move without it hurting more.
Thankfully, I was able to pull myself together long enough to hobble back to my office undetected, close my door, and call my mommy. Yes. I called my mommy and promptly burst into more hysterical sobbing because omgIwasgonnadie.
By 9 am, I was on my way to the doctor's office.
I just got home a couple minutes ago. I've had blood work, drank this gross stuff, had a CT, been poked at, and HEY also a shot in my ass (not that I'm complaining, the shot dulled the pain). The doctor thinks I had a cyst on my ovary that ruptured; he's waiting on the CT to confirm. I'm just grateful it's nothing worse. For a minute there I was picture my intestine trying to fight its way out of my body.
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