Dwarf Profiles: Anita

Jul 14, 2010 15:31

(The game has detailed personality info on all your dwarves from which I'm compiling these. Much of it can be ignored for 99.9% of the time. Then your elite axedwarf with a goat obsession sees a goat die a horrible death, and deides to take out his misery on everyone else. With an axe.)

Anita, the chief medical dwarf and engineer.

She worships Toral, who most often takes the form of a dwarf and is associated with fortresses.

Anita has copper skin and long saffron hair, which is braided. She has a clear voice, short narrow ears and a broad head. She has an angular chin.

She is very weak - just strong enough to lift rocks into place in the many traps she is currently constructing around the fortress.

She likes marble, trifle, pewter, yellow grossular, the colour dark tan, bolts, tables and amulets. When possible she likes to eat dwarven wheat flour (although she knows it isn't good for her!). She has good spatial sense, which comes from carefully aligning mechanisms to drop rocks on bad things, but poor analytical abilities and little musical inclination.

She is immune to stress and appreciates art and natural beauty. She dislikes intellectual discussions. She naturally trusts everyone, and likes helping out others. She needs alcohol to get through the working day.

She is good friends with Persephone, Ludwig, and Reg the Carpenter, and a long term acquaintance with the other original dwarves. She's just started making friends with Kadol the Metalsmith, a fellow Toral worshipper.

She spends most of her time in the fortress building mechanisms and installing them into traps. She knows a little medicine, and if anyone is injured then she will be the one to look after them - she holds the position of "Chief Medical Dwarf"
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