Apr 24, 2007 14:27
Take Back The Night was incredible. Rachel Griffin's introduction by Steve Thompson was so warm and heart felt. She really moved me. When I first got here to CMU I wanted to be just like her when I left. Now I am very different, but with the same heart for the abused. The biggest difference is that I had to find myself differently that she had to find herself. I needed to understand people in relation to me better. Her words were so powerful and the only thing that has continued to stay with me is that she is traveling around the country telling her story, but has not told her mother, while I know that it would hurt my mother if she knew that I didn't tell her, but told others. I know that if one of my female family members that I love so much were raped that I would want them to come to and lean on me for support so why wouldn't I lean on my mother? Why has it been over 2 years and I still haven't told her? Because I don't want her to blame herself, or get upset, and I don't want to hear her say "I'm sorry". That would be gut wrenching enough.
I then had an event for my bible study, it was our "Arts Night" which was taken over by Chauntalle (an e-board member) as M.O.G's II (Messengers of God 2). Well, that was hectic, but I had to get there before 8:30 because Timesha and I were dancing (that was a race against the clock). My night was trying. I try to be a stand up woman of God while understanding that as a woman I have a place on this earth as well as any man and trying to teach young women the same. The bible and feminism go hand in hand in my eyes, because the bible states that women should be respectedd. Specifically it says "husbands love your wives" but really that is under the rule that every woman married and every man married. It is the apostles, and Soloman that I have read that have perverted the role of the woman. Due to Soloman who allowed his greed to get the best of him and the apostles that may not have understood women as they should have. God gave a lot of duties to women in the bible, but it is man who carries the responsibility of his words. It is the woman who helps him carry it, so as with Adam all of the blame falls on the man. God did not come to Eve in anger, so even though the world does try to mistreat and blame women, the guilt ultimately falls on the man. They have to learn to carry their own blame, and that is the underline in the bible.