Apr 24, 2007 14:11
This week I went in and she has asked me to find "Seven Weeks to Better Sex" which they do not have at CMU or at Chippewa River, or at the Book Exchange, so I am feeling a little frustruated because finding this book will allow me to write up a small synapsis of this book for her to give to clients. I would not only feel useful, but I would get a tips on sex and information to share with friends, that may help them out. So, this excited me, except that I can't find the blasted thing. I have also been closing files for a therapist and that has allowed me to see paperwork here or there and to take a look at how things are filed. Nothing too snazzy.
Robin had me do some photo copying out of a bood for her and I got to get the messed up pages for myself to read, that way, while I am out trying to save the world from itself, I can also make sure that I am not growing more and more hypicritical by the moment. I like being in a setting of psychology, because the work is rewarding in that other's get help. They got a phone call yesterday about a woman that wanted to bring her son in and while she was driving him he was threatening to jump out of the car (killing himself or running away). This was really weird for me b/c there was only one therapist not with a client and the number that was left could not be completed. Needless to say, I don't know how that situation was handled.
I enjoy being at Community Counseling Associates because it helps me out a lot and allows me to see things from the perspective of an owner of a practice.