kitaaaaaaaaa!! yatta! :) hontou ni ureshi yo^^
kyou, Nihon kara no mono wa getto XD hahaha
mite minna~
before unwrap :)
bentou box + chopstick *it's one set pattern even i bought it separately^^
my kawaii bentou box+chopstick and tenugui
i requested these from my friend of mine. he just came back from Japan for his summer holiday..uwaaaa!!
so i asked him to buy those stuff that give them Japanese-rashi look..hehe *what a demand ne^^'
kawaii deshou *at least they look kawaii to me :P
when i get these, all that i can do is scream my heart loudly *my room mate is sleeping ~.~*
jaa.. what's left is just the content ne.
i'll make onigiri and all those stuff to fill up my bentou box.soooooon... itsu kana XD
can't wait to go through all bentou recipe in the net :) yosh!