A Year Of Fic- Anne Review

Jun 03, 2010 00:18

 I Have Already Posted my first two reviews for Tara fic on an earlier post so heres Anne's! All the amazing banners are made by the insanly sexy elfin_miss.

June 1, 2010.      June 2 2010 (Sorry I didn't post this last night I was super tired!. This being sick still is getting on my last good nerve. )

Anne, After the Fade
By: spuffyduds
characters: Anne
rating: G
length: drabble
setting: just after AtS season 5’s “Not Fade Away” episode
summary: A vignette of Anne in her teen shelter, thinking of Gunn’s last visit.
Found at:buffyversetop5

I hate LJ some times. Like when I have finished a review and am ready to post and it goes bye-bye and LJ's to cruel to remember to auto save. assholes. oh and kicking me off messenger? reallllllyyy nice! GRRR! Ok *deep breaths. thinks of naked Spike* I'm good. back to the review!

Ok so this story is about Anne and the kids at the shelter just after W& H unleash all hell (literally) on Los Angeles. 
She now understands gunn's whole" what if no matter what we do evil always comes" speech.  Only she doesn't have time to care. She has to make sure the kids are ok. I love how that shows who she is now. Shes grown up A LOT. She went from this lonely kid who was (in my mind deeply stupid) worshiping vamps,utterly desperate to belong to letting her boyfriend Ricky care for her and she stood by helpless when he was gone. Now shes a strong woman. A special kind of super hero in the Buffyverse. Shes completely human and deals with the demons of humanity not of the underworld. This is really rare in The Buffyverse and so its this great juxs de position between her kind of heroism and Angels and Co. In away shes a hell of a lot strong then they are. I don't see Angel being able to fight the normal world. He needs something he can strike at you know?Anyway now to the reviewing

I Liked it. It was Short Sweet And Poignant. The bit about the lifesavers made me smile. The author really captured Anne's brand of heroism.  Its like ok looks like the world might be ending. Don't have time to think of that gotta take care of these kids. Thats very rare to find in a person. Real or Fictional. I guess thats why I like Anne and why I chose her for this project. shes very real.  Throughout all her transformations shes completely real. I could see her in the now as a lonely kind of emo kid (not that theres anything wrong with that or that i believe you have to be to like vampires or anything!) who's obsessed with Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and all the other vamp mania thats going on.  I could see her identifying.  I could see her as a girl on the streets with her boyfriend. Sort of happy crazy in love and not really caring that they have no money or food or real shelter. Then I can see her as she is in this story. Strong taking control of the situation making sure the kids in her shelter are going to be ok. They all scream of the real world to me in a way people like Buffy, Angel (more so Angel then Buffy) and  Spike do. Ok so not those three but say Wes or Xander or Fred. The  supposed "everyday" person in the Buffyverse. They still don't seem that real to me. Not like Anne does.

Wow this review went from tiny to kinda huge. I'm all proud of myself! *preens* what?  So I'm deeply Narcissistic ? What else is new?  Will write more later exhausted now. 

buffyverse, angel, review, buffy, a year of fic, anne

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