Tara Fic Review

Jun 02, 2010 01:34

June 1st 2010

Edit: we now has banners thanks to ythe sexy, awesome EPIC AMAZING EFFULGENT ELFIN_MISS! 

Ok so Tonight is the first night of Taras/Anne Week in my quest I like to call A Year Of Fic.

so this post will be for all reviews of the stories I have chosen for Tara.

Lets start with the first fic I found :

Fear the Easter Bunny
by Erin Griffin
Found at fanfiction.net
A one short with Tara and Anya Tara/Willow implied.

May I just say AWWW???? Tara's so sweet! Calming down Anya and asking her to eat chocolate and watch Xena with her!!! 
So the gist of this sweet awesome story is this: Willow was a bit mean to Anya and mentioned the Easter Bunny so Anya is now hiding in the bathroom. Tara being the sweetie she is has gone to talk to Anya and calm her down.  The story is their conversation.

The author did what is called an ABC story where very sentence starts with a new letter of the alphabet. heres a small sample from the story:

"Anya?" Tara knocked again on the bathroom door. "Anya honey, W-Willow was just saying-"
"Baskets? HA! You will NOT accept an oversized bunny on our doorstep, and who KNOWS what is in that basket he'll leave for you!
"Come on, Anya. The Easter Bunny-" There was an echoed moan from inside the bathroom. "-is a m-myth for th-the kids, like Santa Clause-
"Damn it, how many times do I have to tell you, Santa is real? He just likes to leave blood and entrails in his wake instead of toys."

See? So they get extra points for doing that. I've had to write a small ABC thing for school and believe me it was HARD.  All mine was, was just random sentences so I can imagine how much harder this was . Way to go!

anyway I loved it because it had two of my all time favorites interacting. We don't normally get to see Anya and Tara together. I always thought they would be good friends. Tara would probably admire Anya's forthrightness and she could help her out when she says something offensive. . Anya really needs friends since Xander and Willow are kind of mean to her all the time. Telling her to shut up when she really does have good advice. I mean she IS an 1100 year old ex demon. Clearly shes been around the block a few times! Sorry thats me just being way of topic. The point is I really liked it and thought it was super sweet.

As I don't feel like doing my homework I think I shall do another review

Title: Easy-Bake
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Rating: PG13
Timeline: Early season 6
Word count: 591
Prompt: 085: Gluttony
Found at: Still Grr
http://community.livejournal.com/still_grrr/594108.htmlRealllllyyy good work!

so this story starts out as a sweet perfect little thing then goes darker. at the start we learn that when Will was a youngster she found her mom's stash of cookies. the story goes on to I guess what you could call the "main story" with he cookie thing being the "side dish" story.

Willow wakes Tara up with a full course breakfast of bacon, pancakes, orange juice the works. When Tara asks what the ocassion is Wills slyly mentions that Dawns on a field trip and the Buffy's chaperoning.  Ergo they are in the house . Alone. So now they can do In House Alone Stuff...Together.  Which Tara is all for.  Theres some sweetness where Will tries to get Tara to eat her nummys first ...Then after what we will now call IHAS (In House Alone Stuff) Tara goes down to get some ice cream. She goes back up stairs without noticing that the kitchens clean. As in theres nothing out at all. nothings been used. Ergo her magical breakfast was uh.. kind of MAGICAL.

The small cookie back story is about how Wilow's mom says she really shouldn't eat cookies . They come to a consensus if Willow eats her veggies and does her homework she can get a cookie. and at the end of the story it talks about how Willow learned to steal cookies. Which is a meteor for how she can get away with abusing her magic as well. 
 It was a wonderful Little drabble. As always beer_good_foamy managed to take something boring (breakfast in bed) and make it both awwww worthy and at the same time kinda gut wrenching because we the readers know that this is just foreshadowing Willows downward spiral.  I loved it.

buffyverse, read, fic, tara, review, a year of fic

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