Jun 11, 2017 11:54

Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: AU
Pairings: Burt/Kurt, Kurt/dogs, Kurt/Cooper, Kurt/OCs
Overall Warnings: Non-con, Incest, Bestiality, B!P, Daddy Kink, Innocence
Additional warnings for this chapter: Semi-public sex, getting caught masturbating, blink-and-you-miss-it Andercest, potential spoilers for Stranger Things and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (if you haven’t seen those shows on Netflix already). All links in the story are NSFW.

Summary: Since his wife passed, Burt has sheltered his son from the world with only their dogs for company on their small cattle farm. A GKM fill for this prompt. This is what the dogs look like and check out the nsfw fanartby Val.

Chapter summary: Kurt confronts the truth and makes a decision. Blaine becomes a supportive friend. Cooper notices something at home. Jakes struggles on the farm.



Kurt stood in the dark hospital room. Lights from monitors blinked in the gloom. The call button cast a spooky glow across the pillows.

He stared at the slumbering body in the bed.

He should be happy. Daddy was still alive. Still in one piece. Still breathing.

He should be happy. The cot was still here. His bags too.

He should be happy.

Except he could hear himself swallow, his throat working to keep his outrage buried while Cooper’s words ricocheted inside him.

“Abuse, Kurt.”

He pressed a palm over his own mouth. Horror curled around his heart. A second hand joined the first, fingers pressing into his soft cheek.


The first sob startled him with its intensity, wracking his body without warning. He tried to stay quiet.

“Did he tell you to lie to me?”

Kurt's head shook. He didn't want to believe it. He couldn't.

His shoulders tightened, his body straining to keep control.

“Did he tell you to lie to me?”

“No!” Kurt sobbed, the noise muffled. His eye squeezed shut as tears trickled over his hands. He drew ragged breaths between the almost silent screams.

“He loves me!”

“He should love you!”

Kurt stumbled backward, stopping only when he bumped into the cold plastered wall.

“But he’s not allowed to fuck you!”

He wailed brokenly, snot splattering across his knuckles as he raged, his hand still clamped over his mouth.

Kurt slid to the floor, his knees folded in front of him. His hand dropped to his chest once the worst subsided. Clutching at his shirt, he cried.

He couldn’t stay here. He couldn’t even think about his dad without losing it.

Kurt’s fingers fumbled with the phone as he dialed.

“Can you-?” He hiccupped. “Can you come get me? Please?”


“I should never have left you here.”

“I asked you to,” Kurt said dully.


“I can’t stay here,” he whispered, tucking his face beneath Cooper’s chin.

“You don’t have to.”


Kurt yawned, his eyelids blinking open stubbornly. He wanted to sleep for another hundred years but his body wasn’t going to let him. He huffed and turned himself over, plumping the pillow and plopping his head down on it.


The whole bed smelled like him.

Kurt breathed it in. He sighed with relief and closed his eyes. He was safe here.

Distant talking and the rattle of plates registered with Kurt but he dozed on until a door banged shut. His head lifted off the pillow, his eyes slow to open. He pushed back the top sheet and yawned again, his head heavy and body sluggish.

Sunlight filtered through gauzy floor to ceiling curtains, diffusing light across the king size bed. Kurt pulled himself up to sit against the headboard. He shoved a navy blue pillow behind him to lean against. He found a cup of cooling coffee on the bedside table nearest him. He smiled gratefully and picked it up, gulping it down before the tepid drink was too cold.

Last night had been a blur. He had let Cooper lead him from the car, into an elevator and to the bed. He didn’t remember taking off his shoes or clothes but as he was currently only in a t-shirt and panties, he must have. Kurt gathered the gray blue bedspread around his waist. He glanced around the room, paying attention for the first time.

The room was very much like Cooper himself. Tidy. Relaxed. Debonair.

A striking oil painting hung above the bed - the back of a woman in blues, yellows and red. A gray wingback armchair and footstool by the window looked comfortable, and Kurt wondered if the doctor spent any time reading there.

Kurt got out of bed, and wiggled his toes against soft, plush carpet. His two bags were stacked nearby but he bypassed them, heading instead for Cooper’s closet. He pulled back the doors and smiled at the walk-in robe. Hung on one side of the room were suits and shirts. The other side of the room had shelving on the walls for a surprising amount of baseball caps. Kurt fingered the embroidered logo of a hat that looked older than all the rest. He didn’t know who the Toledo Mud Hens were but the cap clearly had sentimental value to Cooper. Underneath the shelving was a set of drawers and beside it a full length mirror. The back wall housed row upon row of shiny shoes and a collection of sneakers.

Kurt glanced around for an appropriate spot to store his bags. He found space between the drawers and the back wall, below the tie rack. He padded back to the bedroom and moved his things into the closet, leaving the unpacking until later. He rifled in a bag, found his camouflage shorts and pulled them on.

He walked back out to the massive window and peeked between the transparent curtains. He gasped in surprise - he had to be ten stories up. High rises dotted the few streets between him and a river.

Cooper’s building had to be in the middle of downtown.

Kurt backed away, feeling uncertain. This was completely different to what he was used to.

He collected his coffee cup and decided to investigate the rest of the apartment.


Kurt opened random cupboards in the open plan kitchen, the hardwood floor cool against his bare feet. There was a round dining table with mustard colored leather chairs. But going by the half empty coffee cup and the abandoned remote control, the breakfast bar seemed to be the preferred spot. In fact, caffeine seemed to be the breakfast du jour. Kurt eyed the complicated coffee machine perched on the bench top with apprehension. He decided to wait until he was fully awake before attempting to use it.

He wandered past the front door and into the living room where his feet met the luxuriously soft carpet once more. Light flooded in from the eight foot high windows at the end of the room. A large comfortable couch wrapped around the far corner of the room, a chaise at one end and a pile of throw pillows at the other. Above the couch was another multicolored painting of a woman. On the opposite wall was an enormous flat screen television. Determined to make the most of that later, Kurt wandered back and passed a closed door.
He hesitated, wondering what was inside. He pushed open the door slowly and was taken aback at what he’d found. He stood in the doorway of a second bedroom with his hands on his hips.

Several things had become crystal clear during Kurt’s snooping.

One - Cooper had impeccable taste.

Two - he was loaded.

Three - he wasn’t living alone.


Cooper placed the keys to the Hummel’s truck on the side table, glad that he’d been able to catch a ride in to work with his brother. He suspected that Kurt wouldn’t be ready to see his father again so soon after his meltdown but he wanted to give him the opportunity if he did. He had also hated leaving Kurt alone and stranded in unfamiliar territory.

The T.V. was on in the background, housewives of somewhere bitching at each other. Cooper inhaled deeply. The delicious aroma of fresh baked cornbread made his stomach growl. “Hello?” He called out to his houseguest who seemed to be hiding. He pulled his wallet and phone from his pocket, leaving them with his house keys in the bowl on the side table.

Cooper headed to his bedroom to change. The bed was rumpled but empty. He noticed Kurt’s bags in the closet and nodded to himself. He should clear out a drawer or two - that seemed like the right thing to do.

He made quick work of changing into a pair of slim fit track pants and a plain black t-shirt. He set to moving his things from the two top left drawers so Kurt could have some space.

“Kurt?” He called out again as he exited his room. “Kurt?” He spun around in the kitchen in bewilderment. His place wasn’t that big.

By the front door, his phone buzzed with a message. Cooper swept it up in one hand and walked over to the couch.

“Hah!” He chuckled to himself. There was his missing guest.

Stretched out along the couch, Kurt snoozed with his face slumped against a cushion.

Cooper settled himself in the corner of the chaise, sitting cross legged while he read Blaine’s text explaining a last minute surgery. He sighed in frustration. He had hoped to get the awkward explanations over with while they were outside of the hospital. It had taken a lot of convincing the day before to get Blaine to agree that Kurt could stay here. But that was his little brother - always worried about conflicts of interest and how things would look to others. He probably had a point. Kurt was vulnerable. And living in such close proximity to the doctor caring for his father could bring up issues - particularly after last night’s breakdown.

He watched Kurt sleep and wondered if the person he’d fallen for was ever going to be the same again.

The teenager sighed deeply, a lazy hand rubbing at his eye as he rolled over onto his back. Cooper waited for him to wake up on his own, hoping not to frighten him.

Kurt stretched out like a cat, his arms extending above his head. A hand knocked against Cooper’s leg and Kurt flinched at the touch.

“Hi,” Cooper said warmly.

“Oh!” Kurt squeaked and gathered his long limbs, hastily sitting up. He glanced at the television and back at Cooper. He blew out a big breath of relief. “You scared me,” he confessed with a laugh.

“How ‘bout I make it up to you with a cuddle?”

The teenager smiled and shifted a little closer. Cooper straightened his legs and held his arms open until Kurt was nestled against him.

“Been home long?” Kurt asked sleepily.

“No, just long enough to wonder what the hell this show is.”

The teenager snorted softly. “No clue.” Cooper grunted in amusement, his hand smoothing along Kurt’s back.

“Are you hungry? We could order in?”

Kurt lifted his head from his chest, his nose wrinkling. “I roasted a chicken earlier. There’s potato salad and corn-”

“Bread,” Cooper said finishing his sentence.

“I hope that’s okay?” Kurt’s blue eyes clouded over.

“Of course,” he said, bemused. “You didn’t have to cook, but you’re welcome to.”

“I’m tired of take-out,” Kurt pointed out. “It’s nice to be able to cook for myself, and feel useful again.”

“Fine with me, babe. The kitchen’s top class but I don’t use it a hell of a lot, so yeah, make yourself at home.” Kurt grinned and puckered his lips for a sweet peck on the lips.

“I made a lot,” the teenager said, crawling off the couch. He looked back at Cooper. “I wasn’t sure how many to set the table for.”

Cooper chewed on his lower lip as Kurt helped pull him to his feet. “Uh, about that… I have a roommate. Uh, my brother. Blaine,” he said, trailing off lamely.

“Blaine?” Kurt’s eyes widened in shock. “My Blaine?!”

“Ye- Wait…Your Blaine?”

Kurt stalled. “Um, um. Daddy's doctor? That Blaine?” Cooper frowned but forged ahead.

“Short, raspberry gel, bowties?” The teenager nodded. “Yeah. Same guy.” Kurt titled his head and looked at him owlishly.

“I- I thought your brother lived in Chicago?”

“He did,” Cooper said, walking toward the refrigerator. He grabbed a cold can of Diet Coke from the fridge and pulled the tab back. He offered it to Kurt first but the teenager shook his head. “But he moved back a couple of months ago.” He took a few swallows of the sweet soda. “It’s kinda temporary. But we just painted a wall in his room so…maybe not so much.” He chuckled. “I dunno. It’s nice having him around.”

“Is he-? Does he know I’m here?”

“Yeah,” Cooper nodded. “I talked it over with him on Sunday. He thought it might be kinda weird. You know, cross a few lines.” Kurt’s brows furrowed. “But he also knows that you need support, babe. And that we’ve,” he motioned between them, “…been sneaking off to fuck in his on-call room.” Kurt’s eyebrows shot up. “So in the end he was fine with it.”

Cooper took another long pull from the can, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “Anyway, he’s gonna be home late tonight so we don’t need to wait to have dinner.”

Kurt blinked at him, his eyes darting downward to check him out and back up again.

“I think,” he said breathily. “I’m gonna need some of that.” Kurt reached out and tugged the can from Cooper’s grasp, tipping it up to his own lips.

“Hey!” Cooper protested.

“Ahhh,” he sighed in satisfaction. He took two steps back and shot a mischievous grin at Cooper.

“Gimme that,” Cooper demanded. He playfully tugged at the teenager's hip, trying to get close enough to grab the can.

“Nuh uh.”

“Give it to me,” he said huskily, daring Kurt to resist him. The teenager tipped his chin up in defiance.

“Make me.”

Cooper arched his eyebrow. He was not about to be outplayed.

He pulled Kurt to him by the hips. His gaze darted to the pink tongue that wet Kurt’s lips, and then flitted back to the vivid blue eyes that were sparking with arousal. He leaned in, his lips finding Kurt’s, his tongue sliding along the crease of his mouth to taste the syrupy cola. He pressed a soft kiss to the teenager's hungry lips and withdrew, his dick stirring to life.

“More,” Kurt panted.

Cooper smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheek, making a bee line for the sensitive spot on Kurt’s neck. A shiver of excitement ran through the teenager he held in his arms while he nibbled behind his earlobe. If they were on their own tonight, and Kurt was willing, he was going to make the most of it.

Kurt’s fingers gripped his t-shirt as if he was holding on for dear life. He made delicious little squeaks, and Cooper doubled his efforts to hear him moan. They had been forced to be quiet for too long. One hand dipped under the waistband of Kurt’s shorts while the other yanked at the dome. His fingers slipped between the teenager’s warm lips, travelling the slick the valley to his moist pussy. He pushed inside; two knuckles deep.

“Yeah,” Kurt whimpered with delight. “Touch me.” He rocked himself on the finger, tossing his head back with a gasp. “Oh! Coop-er.” He rucked up Cooper’s shirt, his fingers itching to rip it off him. “Want you. Want you so much,” Kurt whined.

Cooper pulled his hands away and stepped back, surprising him. He stooped and grabbed the teenager around the legs. Kurt whooped with wonder as Cooper tossed him over a shoulder and carried him to the bedroom.

The teenager giggled when he was pitched onto the mattress. He shimmied out of his shorts and knickers in seconds. He watched with ravenous eyes as Cooper threw off his own clothes and stood at the bedside, stoking his jutting cock. He licked his lips but Cooper stopped him before he could move.

“Spread your legs,” he insisted, breathing heavily when Kurt complied and hitched his knees up. The teenager’s slender fingers spread his puffy lips wide, showing off the deep pink of his cunt. Kurt wriggled his ass on the bedspread impatiently. “Show me, babe. Show me how you want me,” Cooper coaxed.

Kurt’s fingers slipped inside his pussy, dipping in quickly. He put on a show, fucking himself for Cooper, his hips humping to get in deeper. He keened to be taken, desperate to come.

The purpling head of Cooper’s pulsed with another dribble of pre-come, slicking his hand as he pumped his shaft faster. He pulled at his ball sac while Kurt’s fingers strummed over his clit.

“God,” Cooper drawled. His pace quickened as heat surged up the back of his thighs. He hiked a knee up on the bed and shuffled towards him. The teenager’s legs stretched out and welcomed him between his thighs. Cooper hovered over him, jacking his cock wildly. Kurt’s back arched off the bed, the muscles in his abdomen straining as his body flushed.

Cooper gripped the teenager’s thigh and groaned, delighting in every orgasmic spasm of Kurt’s body. “Ohhhhh,” he growled as white streaks of his own come splattered across Kurt’s soaked cunt.


Kurt’s fingers stroked Cooper’s soft chest hair as they lay together. The doctor snored lightly enough that he could ignore it. It wasn’t anything like his father’s deep rumbling snorts. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut. He concentrated on his pleasantly aching cunt, still sensitive from being pounded during several enthusiastic rounds with Cooper. He wasn’t ready to face his feelings about his dad. He’d spent the whole day trying not to think about it at all. But here, in the dark, his thoughts returned to how helpless his father was, lying in the hospital, relying on Kurt to hold it together.

His stomach gurgled, and his mouth twitched into a smile as he thanked his body for the distraction.

Kurt rolled away from Cooper. He found his black underwear on the floor, pulling them on. He eyed his wrinkled cum-stained t-shirt on the floor and bypassed it, heading for the closet. He had every intention of wearing his own clothes, but the sight of Cooper’s discarded business shirt draped over the side of the laundry hamper thrilled him. Kurt buttoned the loose white shirt across his chest. He pressed his nose against the worn collar and inhaled. The doctor’s citrusy aftershave overpowered the lingering hints of sweat and hand sanitizer.

With bare feet, Kurt wandered down the hall and into the kitchen to have dinner. He paused at the cupboard, holding a plate in his hand, and contemplated if he should prepare a plate for Cooper as well. He wasn’t sure of the etiquette in a house that wasn’t his father’s. His mouth twisted with indecision and his toes curled against the wooden floor. Cooper might wake, in which case Kurt was happy to help, or he might sleep right through until morning. He would wait, he decided.

Kurt set his plate on the counter top and headed for the fridge. He stood there with the refrigerator door open, debating over potato or a leafy green salad when keys jangled at the front door. Kurt’s heart skipped a beat. He had completely forgotten about Blaine. A wave of self-consciousness swamped him. Cooper’s shirt suddenly felt too skimpy. He wished desperately that he had more layers to hide behind.

He’d have to get used to the idea that Blaine wasn’t his Blaine anymore. He didn’t just exist to help in the cocoon that Kurt had been living in the past month. He was Cooper’s brother - and an actual person who had a life outside of the hospital.

Tendrils of guilt spiraled up his spine.

Blaine knew. He knew that Kurt had been sneaking away from his father’s bedside to fuck, selfishly enjoying himself, while Blaine was doing everything he could to help his father live.

In an instant, all of Kurt’s silly fantasies about the attractive doctor came crashing down - Blaine would never want to be with someone so self absorbed like that. Like him.


Part 16b>>

media: fanfic, glee, nc-17, kooper, length: series, nsfw image, gkm fill, glee: natural selection, genre: smut, kurt hummel, cooper anderson

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