Jun 04, 2017 09:53

Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: AU
Pairings: Burt/Kurt, Kurt/dogs, Kurt/Cooper, Kurt/OCs
Overall Warnings: Non-con, Incest, Bestiality, B!P, Daddy Kink, Innocence
Additional warnings for this chapter: semi-public sex, crossdressing. All links in the story are NSFW.

Summary: Since his wife passed, Burt has sheltered his son from the world with only their dogs for company on their small cattle farm. A GKM fill for this prompt. This is what the dogs look like and check out the nsfw fanartby Val.

Chapter summary: Blaine meets the Hummels. Cooper wrestles with his feelings. Kitty complicates matters.



Blaine’s words echoed in Kurt’s ears while Cooper cuddled into him. Kurt closed his eyes, willing them to go away.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Cooper said, pressing a kiss to Kurt’s tense shoulder. He sighed.

“It’s nothing.”

“It seems like something,” the doctor said gently.

“I really don’t want to cry right now.”

“Well I can’t promise to understand you if you go supersonic on me…” Kurt snorted quietly. “But I am willing to listen.”

Kurt’s fingers tapped haphazardly on the back of Cooper’s hand. “I don’t know what to do.” He cleared his throat before Cooper could interrupt with a joke. “Jake, the farm manager,” he reminded him, “agreed to stay on full time if I could guarantee six months work.”

“Wow, that kinda works perfectly, actually. Even if your dad woke up tomorrow, he’d need months of physical therapy and medical clearance before he could work this place again.”

Kurt nodded in agreement. “Right - it does make sense.”


“But it feels like…a betrayal. Making plans for the future without him… It just feels wrong. Like he’s never c-coming back.” Kurt’s voice wavered.

“Shhh, babe. It’s okay.” Cooper tightened his arms around him. “You’re doing him a favor. Taking care of the farm and the animals.” Kurt clicked his tongue in annoyance as he remembered his dogs. “What?”

“The dogs….” He whined. “They can’t be kenneled forever. It’s just cruel. And I miss them, Cooper.”

“Can they stay with someone else? What about the old lady next door?”

“Mrs. Pine? Oh. No,” Kurt disagreed, shaking his head vehemently. “They’re too big. They’d just push her over.”

“Maybe they could work for Jake?”

“Maybe,” Kurt muttered, indifferent to the idea.

“Jake could live here, keep the dogs and look after the place.” Kurt’s chest heaved at the thought of replacing his dad. “Just until things change,” Cooper added. “Would you…stay on here too?”

Kurt buried his face into the pillow, not wanting to think about it all anymore.

“You can’t stay at the hospital indefinitely, babe,” Cooper pointed out.

“Ef camf abammah dandy efher.”

“Yeah… That made no sense at all.”

Kurt groaned and rolled back into Cooper’s embrace. “I can’t abandon daddy either,” he repeated.

“Babe, please. I’m not asking you to. Okay? But as your physician, I am recommending that you find somewhere else to sleep. That cot is responsible for the kinks in your back, and as much as I like kinky, and you, I don’t want to see you in that kind of pain.”

Kurt grunted unhappily. Cooper was definitely right about the cot, and unfortunately he was also right about leaving the hospital. He wasn’t so naïve to think that Blaine had told him to go home several times simply to save his back or get a good night’s sleep.

He tried to picture himself living at home again. It would be fantastic to be around the dogs again, but it wouldn’t be - couldn’t be - the same if Jake lived here too. Even if he took Jake out of the picture, Kurt didn’t think that he could face living here alone. He’d be so far away from his father, and Cooper. And Blaine, he realized.

“I don’t want to stay here,” he said unhappily.

“Okay,” Cooper said with a nod. “Okay.” He pressed his lips against Kurt’s shoulder and took in a deep breath through his nose. “You could come and stay with me. If you want. You don’t have to,” he rushed to clarify his offer. “But you’re welcome to. If you want.”

Kurt twisted in his arms, his blue eyes blinking heavily as he met Cooper’s panicked gaze. “I’ll think about it. Is- Is that okay?” Cooper breathed a sigh of relief. The corner of Kurt’s mouth twitched in amusement momentarily.

“Of course that’s okay,” Cooper insisted.

“Thank you,” he whispered and rolled over to hide his face against the doctor’s chest. He sniffled involuntarily.

“Wha-? Babe, what’s wrong?” Kurt took a minute to respond.

“I’m scared, Cooper,” he said, breathing heavily. “I’m scared that things are never going to be the same again.” The doctor cradled him to his chest and buried his nose in his hair, kissing the top of his head.

“I know. I know. But we’ll get through this.”


Cooper left after breakfast on Sunday morning saying he had something to take care of. He promised to be back in the evening to take Kurt to the hospital, where the Hummel truck was still parked.

Kurt mulled over his options about what to do with the farm and the dogs. After thinking in circles, he picked up the phone and called Mrs. Pine for a reality check.

"Look, you gotta do what's right by you and your dad," she said. "My Jake will take care of everything at home if that's the easiest thing for you. I'll see to it that the house is looked after an' all."

Kurt nodded against the handset. The thought of the widow keeping an eye on the place eased some of his concern.

"An' it'd be good to get him outta here. He eats like he's still growing like a weed. It past time he takes care of his self." Kurt chuckled at Jake's muffled protest in the background.

"What about the dogs?" He asked. They were what he was most worried about. "Can he take care of them too?"

"Hang on, Kurt. You ask him yo'self." He waited as the phone was handed to Jake.

"Hey, how are ya?" Jake asked. They exchanged pleasantries before Kurt repeated his question.

"Uh, you might not know but I have my own dog." Kurt's hopes sank. "...But I'm sure she'd like the company. Trixie's pretty easy going around other dogs. Kinda comes with the territory, ya know. We're in and out of other people's places all the time."

"Oh my gosh!" Kurt exclaimed. "Are you serious? Because that would be amazing, Jake." A chuckle came through the phone line.

"Yeah, of course I'm serious. A man never jokes about his dog, right?"


"Hey, I'm joking." Kurt blushed at his misunderstanding and shook his head.

"Right. Sorry. Um, how do we do this? Do you want me to pick them up so they're here in the morning? Or-"

"It's Sunday afternoon, Kurt. Mike's not gonna be there."


"How 'bout this - tomorrow I'll drop my stuff at your place and when I'm finished with the milking, I'll pick 'em up. Just give Mike a call to let know that I'll be swinging by, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," Kurt sighed with relief. It was nice not having to make all the decisions for once. "That would be great. I'll leave you a note about food and stuff, okay?"

"Awesome. Are you heading back tonight?"

"Uh huh. I've been away too long as it is."

"Man, that sucks."


"Okay, well. We'll uh, talk soon I guess. Drive safe."

Kurt thanked the farm manager again and hung up. He dialed the vet's number and left a voicemail about Jake, and asked Mike to send the invoice on. He set the phone down and looked about the quiet house. It was clean and tidy. There was nothing else to do but get ready to leave.

He wandered into the kitchen and scribbled out a note. The dogs needed new kibble - he jotted down the details and left the paper tucked under a magnet on the fridge.

Kurt went back to his bedroom and inspected his empty bag. There wasn't much he wanted to take with him as most of it wouldn't fit anyway. But he remembered Cooper's reaction to Kitty's outfit the day before and decided to take a few things of hers that he thought the doctor might like. Things that suited him as Kurt, and could be worn in public. He picked several items from his drawers. He couldn't go wrong with red booty shorts - they'd drive Cooper nuts - as would the shredded body stocking, the jeggings, and a few of the sheer bodysuits. He figured he could pair those with his camo short or jeans. And with his denim jacket or a flannel shirt over the top, no one would care. He grabbed a handful of underwear and toys, and shoved those into the bag as well.

He dropped his packed duffle bag by the front door and put the kettle on to wait for Cooper. He hadn't given the doctor's offer to stay any serious consideration. It was obvious that Cooper had been nervous when he’d suggested it. It was kind of funny, Kurt realized. He didn't think that someone as mature as Cooper would ever get nervous about anything. The kettle whistled as it boiled, pulling his thoughts back to the task at hand.

Kurt poured himself a cup of tea and settled in his father's chair. He felt so small here - like a child wearing their parent's shoes. He missed his dad. Kurt's eyes misted over and he bit his lip. He needed to get back to the hospital and check on him. To stop the thought of something awful happening that had been niggling at him all day. To make sure that he was okay. To make sure he wasn’t alone.

With the mug of tea warm in his hands, Kurt wished that Cooper would hurry.


Part 16>>

hummelcest, media: fanfic, nc-17, incest, gkm fill, glee: natural selection, genre: smut, blaine anderson, kurt hummel, cooper anderson

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