I haven't updated in a week or so. Gah, my bad. I've been incredibly busy editing videos, as well as working around Washington D.C., as well as applying for future jobs.
I'm currently rendering the final bits & edits for the Evolution DVD; just brushing up on the coloring & soundtrack overlays. I managed to sneak in a little bit of
Stuntin' Like My Daddy by Birdman & Lil' Wayne into the Evolution DVD coverage, haha. YES! People just have to see the DVD for themselves to see it.
It's about 1 am right now, and I have just begun to pack for my week's trip to South Florida. I'll be flying out to Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and Orlando to do a little video work. I'll be meeting up with my friend MexOne from
TheBboySpot, as well as attend FUSIK's new
album release party. Basically this weekend will be spent creating a feature on lifestyles of southern Florida bboys, the business practices at TheBboySpot,
Biggest & Baddest clothing, and eat good southern bbq. It'll be chill! I think a behind the scenes story on one of the world's up & coming b-boy websites would create a great article. I'm sure people are curious.
Click to view
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuonbvrbGtg I will try and write daily when I get down to Florida, with many photos coming. In the meantime, check out our video of the epic Jabbawockeez performance Erich & Ari taped this past weekend!
Hip Hop Song of the Day:
from 2006, this tune was, and still is ill!!!
Birdman & Lil Wayne - Stuntin' Like My Daddy