I just called to say I LOVE YOU

Jul 08, 2004 00:57

So...quite a bit has been happening in MelissaWorld lately.
First of all, Im signing on with a Manager. Hopefully she can break me into the entertainment industry and I can start making a name for myself while I'm still young.
I also got professional headshots taken yesterday which was awesome. I love posing for the camera and dressing up and trying to look sexy. It's a trip. Hahaha that's so something Fonzie would say.
Also, I'm starting my training with Mr. Matthews again, which is really really amazing. We had a 7 hour session today and I couldnt believe how much my voice has changed - for the better, I hope. But I really need to focus and work my ass off now if I want to have a future in the arts. Hopefully I can get some more of my original songs recorded and Laurie (my manager) can send them out to agents and record labels.
Sigh...I'm totally getting my hopes up here. I hope I don't get royally let down.
As for Oberlin...going back is definitely going to be bittersweet. I'm so excited for sooo many things - having the biggest most awesomest kickass-est quad with tay, bizz and val, starting acting 200 with Matt Wright, auditioning for lots of stuff, taking advantage of the conservatory, and possibly becoming a cheerleader (yeah, that's right, fuck you). But I'm also going to be sad to leave my home that I'm definitely getting used to now. I'm going to miss everyone at home soo much. This is definitely such a weird time in your life. I remember in May talking to all my college friends and being like "this is so crazy...your like my best friend and I'm just not going to see you in 3 whole months." And it's going to be the same way with my NY friends once I leave. It really sucks...it's like either way there's someone you're going to miss to death.
My july 4th resolution is to really get more focused about my career - I need to take advantage of the Con and get guitar and voice teachers, I need to practice more, I need to work really hard in Acting 200, and I need to audition for everything and anything. I want this so bad I can taste it. It's kind of lemony, with a snippet of cherry. It's really freakin delicious.
Well...just an update of my little world. Boring entry, I know, but HAHAHA you're the one that read it so it's your loss of the 4 minutes of your life. AND YOU CAN NEVER GET THOSE BACK. Sucks to be you.
Just kidding, MWAH.
Hasta la vista, baby,
Melissa Nicole Bayern (as printed on my pics and resumes!)
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