More stalling...

May 21, 2004 18:52

Okay so I realized something today. I like most dumb people and hate many smart people. Here's my logic:
1. Dumb people are funny. Period. They're fun to talk to, laugh at, make fun of, etc. They have never ceased to make me laugh.
2. Dumb people make you feel smart. They make you feel good about yourself, whereas most smart people are competitive - they'll try to beat your smartness.
3. Dumb people are dumb. Being dumb is just funny to me. Even the the word is great - dumbdumbdumbdumbdumb... ...dumb bee do be dum dum dum dum dum, dum be do be dum, wa wa wa wa waaaaaaaa
4. Many smart people will constantly brag about how smart they are. This bothers me a lot; but what bothers me TEN times more than that is when smart people are falsely modest (i.e. OMG I CANT BELIEVE I GOT A 100 ON THAT TEST - WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT I COULD DO THAT WHEN I WAS THE VALEDICTORIAN OF MY HIGH SCHOOL AND GOT A 1600 ON MY SAT'S???? OMG LOLOL WHAT THE FUCK). It's like they think that by making it seem like they're surprised that they accomplished something they are clearly capable of suddenly makes their blatant boasting acceptable. *NEWSFLASH* Pretending you're stupid to another smart person does not cancel out the fact that YOU ARE BRAGGING AND BEING A DOUCHEBAG. These people should chew on glass and swallow it, and then drink some nice tasty cow maneur to wash it down. Maybe you're just assuming I'm not smart enough to see past you're fakeness? Then you're just dually insulting me. Thanks, jackass.
P.S. If you're going to brag, just brag. At least then it will be funny. Me and Kimi know how its done (i.e. online - ME: I like to position the mirror right in front of me when I study so I can just simply avert my eyes upwards for entertainment. I get kinda distracted though when I start yelling "WHO IS THAT BEAUTIFUL GIRL!! WHO IS SHE!" KIMI: I've done that before. And you're's super-distracting). It's all in good fun.
5. You don't have to think that hard to talk to a dumb person. It's like watching TV. Just sit back, and relax. It's like...a release.
6. Why is it that a lot of smart people have to always talk about something smart, and get offended when different conversations arise (i.e. penis conversation)? It's like they have this insecurity about their intelligence so they constantly have to make sure people know how smart they are by talking about politics or global warming or the insides of a camera. These people should be shot. Kinda reminds me of guys who constantly have sex with girls and gaybash because they have to hide the fact that they are gay themselves. If you're that confident in your intelligence, shut the fuck up and stop having to prove it to us all the time.
7. Dumb people will agree with whatever you say. Sometimes, they will even change their fervent opinions just to match yours. They're easy to manipulate.
8. Smart people love to argue. Even if they are wrong and they know that, they will argue their point until you are blue in the face to try to convince you they are right. WELL GUESS WHAT. I'm smart too, bitch, you're not gonna change my opinions.
Which brings me to number 9. A lot of smart people are pro-life, which bewilders me, because being pro-life is inherently dumb. Say what you want, I'm still gonna be fucking pro-choice. Show me all the pictures you want of bloody fetuses, it still won't change my mind. If you're so smart, why can't you just accept that most people are either pro-life or pro-choice, and almost noone ever switches over. I believe in pro-choice just as strongly as you believe in pro-life, so just accept that and move the fuck on. I can try to convince you (probably much better than you can convince me) to be pro-choice instead of pro-life. But I'm not a jackass and I know that you're not going to even be listening to my argument. You have made up your mind, just life I have, and we both know almost all there is to know about abortion and pro-life options. Why the fuck do you think that you're so righteous that you can change my mind? Just back off. Oh and remind me to hire someone to rape you so you're stuck with an obnoxious brat (that you didnt even want in the first place) to raise and put up with. Most likely he'll turn into a pretentious asshole like yourself...and the cycle continues. Hopefully I'll have an intelligent daughter who will punch him in the penis so he cant reproduce and create more unwanted, whiny little brats.
10. I think my boobs just grew

Shit, I'm getting off track. I could go on forever, I just think my ADD is kicking in.
And by the way, just to let you know, this is all bullshit, because I actually hate dumb people also. Maybe I just hate everyone. I'm just in a loving-dumb-people-mood because I'm sick of a lot of people at Oberlin. It's hard being surrounded by a lot a pretentious smart fucks 24/7. Who knows, maybe I fall into that category as well. But, hey, at least I can laugh about it.

Dumb people are fun to laugh at though.

...Try it.

P.S. My boobs really did grow, just to clarify.
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