Procrastination is like masturbation, it's awesome until you realize you're just fucking yourself...

May 20, 2004 01:35

So instead of studying for my Social Psych final, and writing two papers that are due (actually one was due two and a half weeks ago...seriously), I've been procrastinating by coughing, reading my friend's LJ's (I'm turning into an actual loser) and taking a Daria test like five times. This was the fucking result I got:

Which Daria charactar are you?
Like....hi! Yeah, you're a ditz. But you're such a cute one!

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

It's not fair though. I took it seriously five times to try to change my results and it wouldnt change. So finally I just lied in my answers and got Daria - and I'm obviously nothing like her. UGH. The questions are so biased - I mean they asked my favorite color and movie, and the possible choices were Pink and Clueless, respectively. I mean the other answers to choose from were like "gray, black, yellow, red, green" - umm, no. For the movies, it was like "Saving Private Ryan, black and white silent films, etc." I LOVE Clueless. Why does that make me a ditz? This test is prejudice!!!!!

Yeah, so finals week is making me it's bitch. "Like crawling on the floor, slapping my ass, saying I'll be a good girl kind of bitch." But who cares. I'm going to be an actress, right?
Some of you may be asking, "what's with all the posting lately, Melissa?" I have been asking myself that, too. I think it stems from self-realizations and epiphanies - but mostly it's just stalling doing any sort of productive work.

Something I have noticed about myself is that I always want what I can't have. This applies to most things, but not all. I have a bad case of "the grass is always greener..." syndrome. Anyone have any remedies? Thanks much.

Also, how fucking good is Orbit gum? I'm kinda sketched out by it... I mean how can they possibly make gum that lasts THAT long? The flavor is, like, infinite. I don't get it. Every time I chew it (which is often), I find myself thinking about how such flavor is possible. And it TORTURES me.

You think you know?? You have no idea.
This is the Diary Of Melissa Nicole Bayern.

Ha - some day I might actually say that on MTV.
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