Should have taken a left turn at Albuquerque...

May 24, 2010 03:56

[The first thing X became aware of was his system notifications running through his CPU, finishing a... stasis-lock reboot process?

All systems were coming back online. No battle damage, but weapons were offline and... why were his power reserves so low?

When had he gone off line? Was he in medical-- No wait, he didn't remember going to medical after...]

Wait just a nanosec. [X went very still.

He'd been getting ready to leave back to the mainland. He hadn't been so badly damaged after the fight with Redips's massive altered form to need to go to medical. In fact, he'd left everyone at the farewell party to go get his things from the SkyRoom. He'd been packing and...]

Where am I?

[X cracked his eyelids a fraction after he activated his proximity sensor suite to sweep the immediate area. There were no lifesigns around. He picked up a few power sources, but none were reploid cores. It was dark. The faint glow from his helmet and eyes reflected off the clear dome of a capsule above him.

Frowning, X flexed his hands and feet to be certain he had full capability, then reached up to trigger the capsule release. It came open easily enough, but a yellow control panel light started flashing when he did so.

X scrambled out of the capsule, taking an instant to steady his footing as he quickly took stock of the situation. He was on his own. It looked like a storage room of some kind. The capsule was sitting on the floor, but stacked up around it were large crates and barrels with unknown contents.

Activating his comm, X rapidly began scanning for a signal. There was nothing but dead air. Frowning, he scrambled up on top of the capsule to leap to the nearest crate and climb up and over. From the narrow space on top, he was able to locate a door to the room. Dropping down on the far side, he hurried to the door. Bracing against the inside wall, he hit the trigger, but the door didn't open.

X bit his lower lip for an instant, then used his gauntlet to break open the panel. It be easier if he had his buster operational, but he was sure he could jury rig the panel. It wasn't that hard after all. Just a matter of redirecting the current...

It took a few tries, but the door finally opened. Still wary, and fretting over the fact that his weapons system was still offline, X slipped out of the storage room and into a nondescript hallway. Still no sign of pursuit. But he couldn't take the chance to stop and take his buster apart to find out what's wrong with it. He pinged for a signal again, but only got static.

Frowning, X picked a direction and made tracks as quietly as he could. Twelve incredibly long minutes later, he found a maintenance elevator shaft. He'd still seen and heard from no one at all.] This is too weird.

[Waiting for the elevator had him on edge. Nothing sinister had shown itself by the time it arrived, but that might just mean something worse was ahead.] No, don't think about that X. Just get somewhere where you can get a comm signal out. You know they're looking for you. Don't disappoint them. They'd be so sad if you did.

[So far, X had seen no indication of what floor he was on. But when he got into the elevator, he just hit the button for the 1st floor. Ground level would work, whether he had to go up or down.] And... it looks like up it is.

Now I just have to get past whatever is waiting for me at the top... with a buster canon that won't turn on. Great. No problem. ...Maybe there's not even anyone at the top. I can do that.

[X glanced around the elevator as it rose. Well, the ceiling was higher than the door. He could work with that. It only took a moment to brace himself, just in case.

With an incongruously cheerful ding, the maintenance elevator announced the ground floor of Central and the doors opened. X braced for the worst and got... nothing. After a moment, he dropped to the floor of the elevator, stopping the doors from closing again, and glanced out.

Another hallway. A familiar hallway, actually. So he was still in Giga City. And in the distance he could hear people talking. Frowning, X headed in that direction. It didn't sound like mavericks. In fact, it sounded like civilians gossiping. As he came around a corner into a glassed-in courtyard, he discovered that's exactly what it was. He couldn't help staring for a second.]

This is so freaking weird. If this is one of Axl's pranks I am so going to bolt his feet to the floor.

[Activating his comm again, X pinged the familiar channels.]

- This is Megaman X. Does anyone read me? -

[rockwoman] mega_maiden, [x] tothexthpower, [axl] gunslinging, [x] totalpacifist

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