gah finals

Dec 08, 2003 22:33

yeah well lets see i have finals...and i have to like memorize 500 different pieces of art and know characteristics about all of them...i have to think up a elaborate performance art piece, i have to learn about freakin weather and a whole buncha spanish....calculus and chem too..on top of that i have to get my ass to the gym every morning at like 7 am oh man i cant wait til finals is over ...i go home next weds. and will be somewheres in la around 10 or some shit. exciting. sorta i wish home had parties every weekend . other than that i m excited to see people well not everyone but the important ones at least. it will be a nice break however im excited for next semester and the summer living in boulder at pi kapp...holy shit its going to get crazy. i think im going to go mad today we have chi omega christmas and it was nice ..its funny cause i got all alcohalic related gifts and the hashers said oh good your sis' know your an alcohalic...haha tanner and mark...mark looked really cute tonite...i get nice vibes from him but i dont think anything will ever happen ...he is hott though. so out of it being a girl really sucks your hormones go out of whack especially if your on birth control...its like sometimes you get so frustrated you just want to scream and cry for no good reason...i really wanted to go out tonite just to party and drink but then again it is the week of finals and studying is a must...however weds. pi kapps xmas date party will be a nice break for me to just get dressed up and drink cocktails all nite right before finals...i have one final friday and one on saturday nite im going to drink cause we are going to have a secret around the world party for all the jr. that are leaving to go abroad next semester. how sad is that right when you get to know a amazing group of girls they up and leave and move out and go thousands of miles away. is really fun i realized however i wouldnt mind having a steady would be a nice change of pace for me right now cause alot of things are stable for me right i think i want my relationships to be more stable. i think im going to double major in art and psychology however a lot ppl say i should do pol. sci. cause i can argue really well in any situation....and im one of the few girls in the republican club...however thats merely a hobby...if it was work i would hate it...i need something less intense and more fun anyways back to studying....
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