I always appreciate when someone says "Jesus loves you." Yet, the words sometimes don't reflect the depth of the meaning. We have limited ability to comprehend the true volume of those words.
Such a beautiful, simple statement: An eternal being has you in mind, among all the billions who are, have been and have yet to be. YOU are special, made perfect, for a purpose that is unique and you are worthy of being loved.
My philosophical and metaphysical mind toys with that statement and I am so drawn to the enormity of the Christ's crucifixion and the meaning of him taking on all the sins of humanity. How could this beautiful being love me so much as to take more than the pain of death, but the pain of hell itself for me?
I know that my simple mind is beyond comprehending, but I try. I find that physics helps me. To digress just a bit: I was often told that physicists often find that the more they try to find the meaning of matter, they turn to God, because only God can explain that matter has no other explanation.
But my true explanation is time. We are trapped within only three dimensions, our minds deliberately limited to look at the moment of "now", where we have the choice of infinite futures, where we are physically located in a pinpoint of infinite locations. There are theories, that all our pasts and all our futures exist in perpetuity. They are out there, all our loved ones, all our best moments and they have not passed, we just do not have the ability to look beyond time.
In the moment of Jesus' death on the cross, it is said he went to hell for our sins. I think that, in that instant, he went beyond time itself. The limits of that dimension no longer existed for him. All our futures, all our pasts, and all the mistakes of our lives.
It is our continuing love for Christ that binds us to him. It transcends the limitation and makes him eternal, and makes us eternal through him. I grasp at small strings of this and, in instants, I feel like I understand, but that understanding seems to slip away if I focus on the concept too deeply.