The true victims of divorce

Jun 24, 2014 18:50

Our society today vilifies fathers. I've been in a unique position to watch a tragedy unfold over the past twenty years or so, and I'm appalled a how divorce ruins lives.

Once, I had a dream of being a happy step-family. Lies and deceit by the child's mother totally ruined that. The second time I ever saw my husband cry was when his three year old daughter said "Mommy says I shouldn't listen to you. Mommy says you're a cheat. You're a liar." (note: "Mommy's grammar wouldn't be that good. After all... she had "fiscal" custody of the child. LOL. So, you know where HER priorities were.)

Two decades later, this psychopathic, jealous bitch is still playing games. She has drained us of tens of thousands of dollars, well after my husband gave up everything he owned, and left him so penniless he was living on foam furniture and was still thousands in debt just to afford that. He gave up his retirement, his savings, and half his salary - and he never said a word about his ex-wife's adultery, her hostile and psychotic behavior, her mind games.

I cried for years, sacrificed so much "in the best interest of the child," only to have that child walk into my home every other weekend, full of hate and hostility toward us for no reason, other than her mother's vengeance.

I emotionally separated myself from this child long ago. She hates me, which I find ironic, since every other child I've ever met has brought nothing but fun and joy. So, today, she means nothing more to me than any casual acquaintance, possibly the level of a co-worker. Yet, I am still involved because of how she affects my wonderful husband.

The true tragedy of this is that this woman, now in her twenties, has separated herself from one of the most wonderful fathers in the world. She'll never enjoy the relationship with her Dad that she deserves. She'll possibly never have a good relationship or marriage, because she's been trained to hate men by her evil mother - brainwashed to hate. Yet, this is considered acceptable by our current laws that favor mothers over fathers. My husband and I regret not fighting for custody but, we've seen another friend go through that fight, and it's damn near impossible to win, even when they were able to prove emotional and physical abuse.

Mothers are not always the best parent. Fathers are not always the wrongdoer in the case of divorce. It's an ugly thing - the pain that tears a couple apart - but why do people put the child in the middle, ruining their lives too?
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