Administrative, Wrisomifu, Etc.

Oct 28, 2008 13:07

So, in the interest of fairness, I feel like I should say that if you friended this journal for the all TG (or Lotrips or HP) all the time stuff, um, that sort of probably won’t be happening much anymore. I’m sort of a serial monogamist when it comes to fandom, and since bandom has kind of eaten what’s left of my brain… well, I’m not thinking about ( Read more... )

frankie harts gee, mcr, frank iero, administrative, gerard way

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silentdescant October 28 2008, 17:49:51 UTC
now I really kind of want seriously angsty, rough, bordering on non-con sex between Frank and Gerard before Gee got sober.


i am fully in support of a TG epic OR a bandom epic from you. and who knows, i may even try my hand at bandom for nanowrimo (or wrisomifu, if i run out of time, lol)


giddy_london October 28 2008, 18:32:03 UTC
Because HOT! I mean, can you picture an almost completely out of it Gee with a sort of miraculous hard-on because he's just that fucked up? And he corners Frank in his bunk even though the other guys are there, sleeping, and they've tried to keep this thing they have quiet, even though the others totally know because they're not stupid. And Frank's sort of asleep and totally sober and Gerard just holds him down, kissing the back of his neck and mumbling and not making any sense, and his hands are clumsy and pushing down Frank's sweatpants, and even though he's asleep and Gee's completely wasted, he's still sort of into it because it's Gee and how could he not be? And Gerard's too drunk to think about lube or, fuck, a condom, and Frank's pressing his face into his pillow and thinking he should stop him, but he doesn't because Gerard's spit-slick fingers feel rough but good and Frank just fucking wants it more than he's probably ever wanted it, so he lets Gee fuck him even though it hurts a little and he can't get a hand underneath ( ... )


celtprincess13 October 28 2008, 18:55:14 UTC
Dude, I'd read that. And as previously mentioned, I don't even KNOW who these guys are. But that's hot. Fucked up, of course, but hot nonetheless.


giddy_london October 28 2008, 20:09:43 UTC
I am all about the hot, fucked up MCR fic these days. When I'm not reading total fluff, that is. Man, I really want to write this now.


celtprincess13 October 28 2008, 20:12:02 UTC
Doooo eeeet! Doooo eeeet! /enabler I mean, you have your outline right there, how can you resist?


giddy_london October 28 2008, 20:29:36 UTC
I know! I really think that will be my Wriso project, yeah.


silentdescant October 28 2008, 20:01:06 UTC
fuck, yeah, you should write that for real. besides the OMG ANGSTY PERFECTION that is the actual fucked-up-sex part, MIKEY AT THE END, omg. ♥

i was on the bus today, and having a REALLY bad few hours, and this one bus had a radio on, and i heard "ldfjalflsjf My Chemical Romance lasjfdlakjflak" and i thought "oh crap, they've just played a song and i missed it." and it added to my bad mood. then a few minutes later, i heard the first few notes of Black Parade and i totally rocked out the rest of the way back to the dorm. \o/


giddy_london October 28 2008, 20:12:54 UTC
Jen, I love Mikeyway so much. I am totally stuck on the idea of his strange, wordless apology to Frank now. I might have to write it for Wriso.

Hee! Yay for unexpected MCR!

AND OMG I JUST FINISHED READING YOUR FIC! *HARTHARTHART* I just can't even. I have no words right now. I am trying to find some actual words so I can email you back about it, but I love it a lot!


silentdescant October 28 2008, 20:16:58 UTC
OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU. i spent all last night and this morning reading The Holly Golighty Club, and OMG that was SO AWESOME. Gee's depression, and Frank's oddness, and Mikey's aloofness, and that was my first (sorta) introduction to Pete, so yay for him as well.

and also, YAY I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. ♥!!!

i'm already writing more PWP fluffy frank/gerard fic. i'm really fucking bored in art history, can you tell? LOL


giddy_london October 28 2008, 20:31:55 UTC
How utterly amazing is that fic? I love it so much. I've read it twice in the last month. If you liked that, you should read Everyday Mysteries in the Summertime which is Mikey/Pete and its sequel, Nightswimming, which is Frank/Gerard. It's SO FUCKING GOOD.

I do like it. I love it! Especially your Frank, pretty much.

HEE! I am all in favour of this idea!


silentdescant October 28 2008, 23:27:25 UTC
oooh, I shall start that one next, then.

I keep thinking of little snippets, not even ficlets or drabbles, just like, descriptions.

like the way Gerard feeds off the crowd's energy and is just like, high on life when he's on stage, and how Frank looks so utterly euphoric when he's playing, like there's nothing else even going on except what he's doing (and sometimes what Gee's doing as well). GUH, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.


giddy_london October 29 2008, 00:54:49 UTC
The first one isn't super long, but the second one is REALLY long and so, so fucking excellent.

Heeeeeee. I have such a big silly grin on my face because you love them so much. I love them too!


silentdescant October 29 2008, 01:34:23 UTC
I fell hard and fast in love with them. actually, it's kinda the same way I fell in love with Billy and Dom, back in the day.

I'm starting to read the first one in small doses, 'cause OMG TEST TOMORROW, OH CRAP. >.< anyway, I'm already in love with it. so I have to sorta restrain myself. :P


giddy_london October 29 2008, 02:09:17 UTC
I was totally thinking that yesterday - that bandom is like Lotrips for me. Now I've given in, I've totally fallen in love and that's that.

Hee. I'm nearly finished reading the second one for the second time and just... god, Frank and Gerard are breaking my fucking heart.


silentdescant October 29 2008, 02:34:35 UTC
yeah, it took me a long time to give in, but now that i have.... in for a penny, in for a pound, right? :P

i just finished the mikey/pete one, and all i could focus on was FRANKIIIIIEEEE. poor, sick frankie. and now i'm gonna start reading the second one. i completely adore mikey and gee's relationship as well.


giddy_london October 29 2008, 02:44:25 UTC
Oh god, you will ADORE the second one. Ugh. It's so fucking good I just can't even. It's one of those things you wish you'd written yourself, you know?


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