Administrative, Wrisomifu, Etc.

Oct 28, 2008 13:07

So, in the interest of fairness, I feel like I should say that if you friended this journal for the all TG (or Lotrips or HP) all the time stuff, um, that sort of probably won’t be happening much anymore. I’m sort of a serial monogamist when it comes to fandom, and since bandom has kind of eaten what’s left of my brain… well, I’m not thinking about or posting about anything else, at least fandom-wise. Which is all to say that if you’ve no interest in bandom or my occasional RL rambling, you might want to go ahead and get the defriending over with now. I won’t be offended in the least, so yeah. Defriending amnesty and whatnot. Not that I want anyone to go because I think you’re all rather amazing, but I understand that diverging interests can be pretty detrimental to internet friendships and stuff.

Now! Since wrisomifu is on for this year, I’m going to try my hand at miserable fuckitude again, which means I’ll be posting my daily ten minutes (or maybe more) of writing over at gids_writes, starting this Saturday, if anyone is interested in reading it. I’ve got various unfinished odds and ends posted over there from last year, including my HP Wriso project thing, so anyone who wants a look can friend that journal. I’ve got things locked up friends-only since everything’s unfinished, but I’ll add any- and everyone over there. I’m trying to decide whether I’ll use Wriso as an opportunity to try and finish my epic TG fic or take a bunch of drabble requests or just start a bandom epic.

For the record, I have Conflicted Thoughts about the stagegay, but even I can’t think about that when I look at this photo. Pretty much because hello, hot, and now I really kind of want seriously angsty, rough, bordering on non-con sex between Frank and Gerard before Gee got sober. WTF, brain? We need to have a talk about some things.

PS - You too can be a miserable fuck! Go sign up for wrisomifu and be a miserable fuck with the rest of us!

frankie harts gee, mcr, frank iero, administrative, gerard way

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