Oct 27, 2008 21:52
I lost my glasses this weekend. At this point I don't think I'm going to find them. I've retraced my steps through work, the bank, safeway, the doughnut factory, and Darien's place, and at this point I don't think they are going to turn up. Luckily, it's about time for me to get an exam & glasses anyhow, and I'm mostly functional without them.
Getting new glasses is probably the best way for the old pair to magically appear. What drives me crazy is wondering if I drove to Darien's without noticing I was missing my glasses, or if I didn't notice them falling off somewhere, or if I was just randomly playing with them and absentmindedly set them down in some unfindable place. Unfortunately, there is no scenario that dosen't make me feel really really silly.