"It Dies Today tonight"

Jun 24, 2006 23:48

So tonight I did something that I have never done before. I went to a hardcore concert. But don't worry, I didn't enjoy it. There was one band I wanted to see called The Showdown. They are basically not hardcore and out of all the other bands, they are the most metal, most talented, and most disliked by the typical hardcore kid. I would say they were the best band scheduled to play, but that isn't saying much. Being the best band at this show is like being the guy at the show with the least-gay haircut.

The other bands that were there were Haste The Day, Flee The Scene, It Dies Tonight, and some one else I don't remember. It Dies Tonight was the last band to play and I left right after they started. Because I was hot, I had gotten a headache, and they were just like all the other bands except they had a different name.

And I say that because The Showdown wasn't there. They haulted their involvement on this tour because their drummer dislocated his shoulder. I think that is retarded. So the drummer dislocated a shoulder. So what? The drummer for Def Leppard is missing a shoulder and he is all right! I am wagging my finger at you, Showdown drummer.

While at the show I noticed something far more exciting than the actual bands playing (because 3 bands playing songs with the same tempo and key gets old pretty fast). I noticed a bunch of kids "slam dancing". This basically consists of kids running in a circle, jumping into each other, pretending to punch the air, and pissing off everyone who realizes that slam dancing is dumb and doesn't want to be involved.

I also saw a lot of kids wearing really tight clothing, which I'm sure was very uncomfortable in such a hot venue. I'm not sure why so many emohardcorescreamocorecorecore kids like shirts with scribbles, birds, and silhouettes of people in one quadrant of the front side but they sure do.

It wasn't all bad, though. I had some friends with me, a gallon of Red Diamond, and there were quite a few hilarious moments involving dumb slam dancing and terrible singing.
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