Jun 19, 2009 22:35
My grandpa's death chair. Absolutely.
I had a pretty darn cool grandpa. It was a bit strange how he approached death. It never really frightened him so I suppose I shouldn't be the same way. In any case, he passed away in this nice, comfy recliner (which is what I'm sitting in as I write this). He passed away neatly and everything; no mess or anything like that. He went in his sleep.
My grandma wanted the chair out of the house because it creeped her out and made her think of him. I needed the furniture, so there you go. :P I like to bring people over, let them sit in it for a while, kick their legs out and just smile reeeeeeal big. Then I tell them my grandpa died in this chair and they look at me like I just kicked them in the junk for no reason. I reassure them that I am serious and they FLY out of the chair. It's the best thing ever. :)
writer's block