Mar 17, 2007 07:40
The resistence up 'till now was futile. Sitting here, at almost a quarter to 8 in the morning on no sleep whatsoever, I've caved in and got one of these things too.
But I draw the line at My Space. I still have my self respect.
Well anyway, for those of you who I've friended and have no idea who this is, g'morning! It's Gina XD Had a good night's sleep? Yeah? Stop rubbing it in. =P
I've been having a blast despite the no-sleep deal. I've been crashing at Nikki's place and we've been alternating between sleeping during the day and drawing/watching tv/whatever during the night. She's sleeping right now - hehe, her mouth is open - and she's helped me a lot with the LJ stuff. She's fixed up my page for me and is letting me use her avatars (I'm way too tired to surf around and fix up ones for myself right now). I love you Nikki <3
We've discovered Flogging Molly together. Go check 'em out right now if you don't know about them! They're an awesome Irish band who sings about pirates in their Irish brogue. Devil's Dance Floor incidentally is one of their songs ;3
I'm debating about whether I should sleep or not today. If I can manage to hold it off until tonight, I might be able to return to a regular sleeping schedule, but that's not likely gonna happen. I'll probably pass out somewhere and wake up the next day. So here's to fighting temptation.
first entry