another hour until I can! I have NOTHING to do, and no energy to write (btw, no tibbs_yuletide fic from me for today, mea culpa). I itchy, ya know? I want this week to be over.
I'm reading Steve Berry's The Emperor's Tomb as my train book. There's a character named Ivan, a Russian. The main character Cotton and he are talking, and Ivan mocks Cotton about watching too many TV cop shows, but then Ivan says this:
"You watch too many CSI on television. Or NCIS. I love that show. Mark Harmon is the tough guy."
We flew into Seattle. Which is gross. Full of the homeless and the hipsters. Regardless, we went to the Aquarium and saw all the fish, but mostly fell in love with the sea otters. They really do float around holding hands!
I have lots of pictures and stories, and will post/tell as soon as I find my camera, lol. Missed you all a lot, but did not miss the season premier! Loved it!
Going on a cruise with the sister--will be gone from Saturday the 19th to the next Sunday the 25th. I will, though, be in Vancouver on Monday night so I can see the season premier *cough ahead of time cough* but probably won't be able to post about it. I'll have my phone but not my lap top. I should get reception (we're just cruising down the
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i don't like the new chair I asked to be ordered. Oops. I will, of course, be an adult and admit my mistake, keeping my old chair and giving my new chair to the college for someone else to use.
ETA: The chair lady was very nice about! Crisis averted.
Okay this is so weird. I made a post, and used the LJ name -link thingy, and when I posted it put everyone's names in different locations! So I'm going to repost without the LJ name-link thingy.