mums and football - ALSO, day 3: favourite new series story

Apr 16, 2011 11:05

So, my mum is officially the best match-viewing company in the entire universe. I've never had so much fun. Never let it be said that you have to know what's going on to have a blast - my mum will prove you a liar. She gets excited over little things, like who has the ball midfield and finding out that there aren't a bunch of referees on the pitch, just West Bromwich in home kit. ("That's the other team? Then where are the referees?" "They're the little red ones." "Oh!")

Because I live in Stupid-Middle-of-the-Desert, Washington now, access to most sporty things I like (which are precious few these days) are limited to what live streams I can bootleg off, like, Sky Deutschland or something. Granted, it means I get to see sexy German adverts (lol), but the quality is hideous. The picture glitches, and the sound goes all warbly. Previously, this was just another source of irritation, but my mother, bless her - she found a way to make it hilarious:

(the sound warbles in and out metallic interference-like)
Mum: Damn Daleks. Ruining your game. *tutting*
Me: *chokes on coffee*

Anyway, it made the whole thing double-plus enjoyable. Even the irritating bits, which I'll place behind a cut.

At the go, let it be said that I don't particularly care for players who start to care more about monetary satisfaction and glamour over the games (and clubs/teams) who made them. The ones that come immediately to mind are Mariners-related, because when Piniella managed, they were one of those down-to-earth teams you think will stay together like a band of heroes; of course, you have the turned-villains like Norm Charlton in '98 and (I still redden at this) Alex Rodriguez in 2000. Charlton was eventually defeated, and A-Fraud's underground or something (I refuse to let myself care) ... but the point is, they left a perfectly good, synergistic organisation for gigantic wads of cash.

I never knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of such a transaction until recently with Torres. It really ... feels the same, actually. On grounds of dignity and respect, I cannot approve of Chelsea slavering over him with a hot £50 million. No player is worth that much, and when Liverpool whumped him into the dirt in February I can only pray it was humbling. (It might be easier for me to judge him because he hasn't given us a valid goal yet. I don't know. Today was no different. He was put in for the last ten minutes and managed to kick the ball sideways. I mean, if we're going to be the villains, here, at least justify the evildoing!) I'm just glad we won. Everyone's first witnessed or attended match should be a winning one, regardless of the colour of their foam finger. Mum was effectively beside herself with glee and that's all that mattered.

Anyway, ahem! Sorry! Doctor Who meme continuation, that's what everyone's here for, if you've managed to make it this far ... xD

Day 3: Favourite new series story.

I have a couple from each Nine, Ten, and Eleven - and I think I'd do better with this if it were "Most touching," "Scariest," "Favourite effects," &c. I'll go ahead and be a girly-girl to make things simple, though.

I must be a masochist. I love it because it tears me apart inside every time I see it, even when I know exactly what happens. It's a totally raw, human episode. I appreciate those, especially when one can get caught up in the shiny, sci-fi aspect of it. I've noticed, though - DW is quick to put you back in your place. ;)

Day 04 - Your favorite Doctor
Day 05 - Your favorite companion
Day 06 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 - Your favorite piece of music
Day 08 - A Who-related photo that makes you happy
Day 09 - A Who-related photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 10 - A Who-related photo that you took
Day 11 - Your favorite season (classic or new)
Day 12 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 - Your favorite villain
Day 14 - The villain who scared you the most
Day 15 - Favorite Who-related Tumblr
Day 16 - Your favorite Who-related fanfic
Day 17 - A piece of Who-related fanart
Day 18 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 - The scene that made you cry the most
Day 20 - The character who is most like you
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP
Day 22 - A Who-related fan site
Day 23 - A Who-related YouTube video
Day 24 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 - Favorite who actor
Day 26 - Favorite who actress
Day 27 - A story you wish hadn’t been made
Day 28 - An episode idea you created yourself
Day 29 - Who you think should be the next Doctor
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy

people are sharkbait, meme, what's an outside?, chelsea fc, fancrack, nerdery, doctor who

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