[music|one foot infront of the other- Bright Eyes ]
God i'm bored. so bored in fact that i'm writing in here after such a long time.
Dad was supposed to pick me up last night but he rang me on thursday, at 10:30pm(which mum was not happy about because he woke up john) to say that he had a Christmas party at work on Friday noght and Willow was having his Bucks party today and if he could pick me up on sunday morning and maybe we could go to dinner on tuesday to make up for it. Of course i said that it was fine, like i always do. And i know the Tuesday thing wont happen, he always says that and never does it. i'm just disapointed because i havnt seen Jenny in like 2 months and i wanted to ask her if i could have one of Grandmas bonsai pots and a jacaranda sapling if there was one growing yet. oh well
Mum said she'd ring up about physio this week, but she didnt. Typically. i really want to do this now because i'm fed up with always feeling tired and sick and achey all the time. Anti-inflamatrants dont work, the pain killers i can take now dont work, the strongest Iron tablets dont work, the pill isnt working. and i'm sick of being pumped full of drugs that dont work just because the doctors dont understand whats wrong. i hate that i keep putting weight on because i cant exercise for long enough without being in agony. i want to be fit again. i want to be able to run like i could in primary school. i want to be able to play the clarinet again. And the only hope of that happening seems to be this physio program. I wish mum would realise how important this is to me. She says she understands how much it hurts, because she has really bad mouth ulcers, but i know what that feels like and you really cant compare the two. Besides if she knew what it felt like she would keep me waiting and waiting for help.