snotty cousins

May 09, 2007 23:53

Okay, we all have them - you know who I mean - that one cousin who always looks better, has more, is better liked,etc! We also know we would all cheerfully direct them to the nearest quicksand if we thought we could get away with it. My cousin nemesis has risen in my life like a spectre from a good horror movie of late.
Although the rational adult in me knows she just misses her mother and considers mine a substitute - who told her she could send expensive gifts to my mother for Mother's Day. Hey, I haven't even ventured out of the house to get Mom a card yet (the nasty smoke is keeping me prisoner in the house). But, she sent her a new purse with a large check in it. What does my Mom like more than a new purse - money! Now granted, I could give her a big check -but it would just bounce higher than the sky. So, here I am in my smoke prison waiting for a break and trying to think of something to get my Mom that would:
a. top my cousin's gift
b. win me that coveted place of "favorite" for a few days
c. at least beat out my brother who has offered to take her out to dinner

I have already realised that my youngest brother has the perfect solution - he is having surgery on Friday and will be in the hospital on Sunday - the sickly child is never expected to do anything but get well.
My family tell me that when I was about 2, my cousin was in a crib and my favorite uncle was rocking it with his foot while studying. He looked up just as I raised the hammer to hit her in the head - guess I knew even then she would be a pain in the butt for me.
Well, since she is too far away for me to use a hammer, I better brave the smoke in the morning and go find a card and gift however lame it may be.
Snotty cousins - who needs them!!!!
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