on a roll

May 08, 2007 23:50

well I have been on a real roll of complaining tonight. I just emailed Wendy's and complained about them not filling their frosty's to the top of the cup. I got tired of hearing my family complain that they were being cheated, so I complained for them. Then, I thought while I was at it I might as well tell Macy's what I thought of their stupid commercial - you know the one? They have all these young women in fancy sun dresses dance in a yard full of hedges(??) with shears clipping the hedges while they dance. Yeah, just what I want to do in a pretty sundress - cut hedges while I dance in high heels.
Lucky for them that I couldn't figure out their website - they didn't want to talk to me unless I had some sort of order. Ah well---
Then I thought I would go to an advertised site that was supposed to help feed people (feeling a little guilty for all the complaining). The site is called spreadthesharing and will provide money for a meal each time someone posts a story of sharing a meal or food with someone in need. Their video kept talking to me in a broken english (I think it was cutting in and out) and was so annoying that I turned it off deciding that I would have to try it when I felt more compassionate and less belligerent.
Evidently this smoke that is everywhere and making me have a headache is not conducive to kind gentle thoughts.
guess I'm really in trouble now - I've run out of things to complain to companies about. Anybody want me to gripe at some corporation for them????
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