I had a nightmare involving about my thesis presentation and being late for it and woke up in a panic and started down the stairs before I realized that I was...well. Home. That's a bit indicative of where my brain's at.
In other news,
awyf is living in my basement for the next few days.
And also, Torchwood got intense this week. Like, more than normal
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The first character I fell in love with: Jack, cause we all love Jack. In all seriousness, probably Rose because she was so human in the early episodes and easy to connect with, while the Doctor was a little more distant for a tiny bit.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Hum, probably the Master (specifically John Simms). It's kind of weird how he grew on me from the end of The Last of the Time Lords to End of Time. The End of Time really did it for me, I think. Mostly of how excellent Simms' acting was in those last bits.
The character everyone else loves that I don't: River Song? A lot of people go on and on of how's she's a strong character and whatever not but. I won't argue any of those points, but I just don't like parts of her character? It's hard to pin down exactly what about her bothers me.
The character I love that everyone else hates People are really polarized regarding Rose for some reason, so I'll stick her in here.
The character I used to love but don't any longer: I started out really liking Amy's character, but over the course of it all...er, she didn't undergo any growth. And felt flat and a number of problems.
The character I would shag anytime: Rose aka Belle. Or Amy, I suppose. Maybe Idris a la the TARDIS, though that could be weird? Oh, and Jack Harkness, of course.
The character I'd want to be like: Jack Harkness. Or Martha; she's such a strong character who's able to persevere.
The character I'd slap: I always felt like Ten towards his later years could do with a slap. Or alternative Jackie.
My five favorite characters: The Doctor, Rose, Jack, Donna, the Master? I feel like I'm forgetting about characters here.
My five least favorite characters: Francine Jones, Sylvia Noble, River Song...and probably some random character that never came back.
My deep dark fandom secret: I ship TARDIS/Doctor almost as much as I ship Ten/Rose. Or maybe more of Ten 2/Rose, since they got a happy canonical ending.
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