Nov 01, 2011 01:02

We're a pretty lax group, but considering the amount of drama that can creep into RP, these guidelines are up just in case.
  1. All characters come from a fairy tale. Any fairy tale, any culture, so long as you've got a link where we can read the story or a synopsis of it. If in doubt, ask a mod.
  2. Posts can be in the comm, on sixwordstories, or in personal journals. It is important that you LINK to the latter two so we can keep track of each other.
  3. IC =/= OOC. Keep all drama away from the group, please. If need be, talk to a mod.
  4. No Godmodding. This is pretty easy to follow. When in doubt, ask the mun.
  5. Follow the tagging guidelines. It makes everyone's life so much easier.
  6. Read the information provided in this journal. It will help you.
  7. No, seriously. Read it.
  8. Comment in reply to this post saying you understand the rules and will follow them, as well as the words fairy tales are real. T
  9. Have fun.
Now, go forth and join the shenanigans!

*rules, *important, *join

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