
Jan 11, 2009 23:33

Title: Grooming
Pairing: SS/RL
Rating: G
For hogwartshoney, mi amiga! Alright, you asked for "Grooming an animal is a one-on-one endeavour which can be a very bonding experience between animal and groomer. Severus secretly enjoys grooming Moony during the night of the full moon and particularly likes untangling his tail with a wide-toothed comb. Moony isn't always eager to begin the process, often preferring to expend some of his energy hunting outside or pacing back and forth inside if the weather is foul, but once he acquiesces, the werewolf enjoys it almost as much as Severus. Gentle lighting a plus, fireside or cozy scene, Moony splayed out on his side mostly-asleep. Severus' contentment.". I hope you like (...even if it has no background)!! *hugs*


This the art of my contribution to lupin_snape's 2009 Desktop Calendar project:

Rating: G
Pairing: SS/RL
Summary: I couldn't think of any good theme for July so they're, um, getting ready for Harry's party.


And for the 2008 snupin_santa:
Title: The Feast
Rating: NC17
Pairing: SS/RL
Summary: This is the request "Severus enjoys cooking and has become a bit obsessed with new culinary creations; Remus keeps pestering him in the kitchen, until Severus finally has enough. Food fight ensues, developing into messy sex all over the kitchen - against the wall, counters, table, floor - your pick! Foodsmut not required, but appreciated! *g* No bananas, please!"
A/N: This was made for chazpure!


For the GO Exchange I drew two:

Title: Winter
For: eldanis
Rating: PG
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Summary: There are no ducks in St. James' Park but they still come.

Title: The Life of Agnes Nutter, Witch
For: winterthunder
Rating: G
Warning: Slight crossover
Summary: Agnes likes to knit between one prophecy and another.


For daily_deviant's Kinky Kristmas:
Title: Fairy Lights & Wine
Characters: Luna/Ginny/Hermione
Rating: R
Warnings: Threesome, exhibitionism, drunkenness, boobs
Themes/kinks chosen: Exhibitionism
A/N: For magic_at_mungos . Sorry for it not being very porny (and for the chibis), but I wanted to draw this style and... it kicked my ass. Anyway, I hope you like. Happy holidays!


And for dearsanta:

Title: You Complete Me
Recipient: sweetcarolanne
Rating: NWS
Pairing: Joker/Batman
A/N: Well, I like the older batman movies better but The Dark Knight had a lot of... chemistry. I loved drawing this! :D

rating: pg, rating: r, art, .rl/ss, rating: nc17, rating: g, .ll/hg/gw, good omens

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