(no subject)

Jan 09, 2009 16:28

The recs:

From snupin_santa
I should have recced this long ago, it just deserved to be in the Hot Rec thing honestly. Well, it's never too late to recommend: if you needed any incentive to read Photographs & Crave by mnemosyne_1 I'll give it now. READ IT!
Honestly people, these are two delicious stories you'll regret if you miss. The art on which they're based isn't great but Mnemosyne did the best she could with them.

A bit from Photographs:
He sets the rest of the photographs on the bed above his head, keeping the one in his hand. Severus would think him silly, choosing this very first photograph, but Remus has never told him what this photograph means. It is simply Severus getting undressed, his back mostly to Remus and the camera, but it stands for so much.

It stands for the first time Severus, with barely trembling fingers, began to take off his clothes in front of Remus. It stands for the first time Severus fell asleep in Remus' bed and didn't leave until morning. It stands for Severus moving in with Remus, and sharing Remus' bed every night.

It stands for the first time Remus knew Severus wasn't afraid of him anymore, the first time Severus turned his back, trusting Remus not to hurt him.

I'm honored and saddened at the same time that these must be mnemosyne_1's last fics since she apparently left fandom. Anyone knows if I'm wrong? *sigh*


From the go_exchange

I participated in he Good Omens exchange for the first time last year and received the fic Very Complicated Solitaire by htbazytook and loved it.

I don't know how many of you are in this fandom but for the ones that like Aziraphale/Crowley it's a very worthy read. It's got confused angels (or should I say demon?) and hot kissing and ducks! Highly recommended.


I've also got Drarry, from daily_deviant's Kinky Kristmas!

I'm getting happier as I write this. :)
eeyore9990 wrote Up On The Housetop for me. It's a lovely, lovely fic with top!Draco and unusual place for sex! And because she forgot the "first time" kink, eeyore9990 said she going to give me another one!! Buahahaha I'm so lucky sometimes.

I really liked their characterization and, you know what, it reminded me that I should read more Drarry. It is, after all, my second favorite ship. :D


Last but not least: My gift from dearsanta!

It's an art piece, Cheers! by a "secret artist". It's Crowley/Aziraphale but even if you've never read Good Omens you'll want to see it, trust me. AND COMMENT, PLEASE!

It's just wonderful and as soon as I can I'll ask the artist if I can make an icon with it! View it and envy me, ohohohoho!


Btw, Dear Santa doesn't get a lot of attention, does it? I'll go practice my non-lurker resolution there before I catch up with Snusa (I have viewed all the art but am far, faaaar from reading all the stories). You guys should give it a go too, I'm sure there are a lot of great things there.

I've got 6 pieces of art of my own to post but I'll do it later, first I'll reply to all the comments (I' so late there. Replying to comments is difficult, isn't it? Who agrees??). I'll post them soon.

.hp/dm, rec, .rl/ss, good omens

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