too cool to proofread

May 20, 2005 04:53

when it takes you an hour and a half to fold all of your tshirts down enough to fit them into your drawer, well, you have too many tshirts. i love going to the laundromat, there's something strangely relaxing about watching your clothes in the dryer. it's also fun in a geeky sort of way to keep an eye out for a few particular items and wait for them to get thrown to the front of the machine. or maybe i'm just really easily entertained.

the bottom layer of my hair is now blonde.
i have a NKOTB song stuck in my head.
Wednesday night = Bright Eyes/The Faint. i'm looking forward to it.
allergies are the worst. if i could walk around with tissues stuffed up my nose without grossing people out, i would do it until pollen decides to stop bullying me.

Sandra and i went to see The Good Life on Friday night! we sat on a stoop on an empty block and smoked before going inside. the show was awesome, Tim just kept saying really odd stuff, he was really trashed. he said something like, "i had a dream the other night that i was having fun with a little boy, but it didn't mean anything. i woke up and thought, 'that was just weird', and then i had to go look in the mirror and say, 'Tim, it didn't mean anything.'" he also informed us that he has four older sisters who will all verify that when he was a little boy, he used to run around naked with a curler on his penis. ahahahahahahahahahahaha, that still kills me.
a few days before the show, i had a dream that we kissed, which is weird as hell for numerous reasons. anyway, at the actual show, some hussy up front asked him to kiss her, and at first he was just like, "this girl wants a kiss! people don't do that in public", and then it was, "does it have to be on the lips? can there be no tongue?", and then he did it! he hopped off the stage and smooched her! i was jealous! ahahah. if i'd been closer, i would have said something. okay, no, but if i'd been drunk, i would have said something. man, it's amazing to think of how many sexual opportunities i've missed due to sobriety. whatever, i've made it my mission to make out with him, just because.

Kasher inspired me to start writing again, which is so amazing and relieving that i can't even begin to explain. i thought i was done for, but i've been writing at least five different things a day, along with random little bits. it doesn't even matter to me if i read it over and hate it, i'm just so excited to have words coming to me again.

some 50-year-old drunk that i encountered at the Clubhouse a few weekends back will never, ever know how close i came to pulling his stool out from under him and then proceeding to beat him with it. rar, i am tough. but seriously, dude was an asshat, and it's people like him that really make me wonder how they managed to get through life.

i no longer work at Duane Reade, which is good. technically, i got fired due to scheduling conflicts, but i was going to quit for the same reason, so it doesn't really matter. Dennis made it very clear that it had nothing to do with the kind of work i did, and that i could count on him for a good reference. i'd never been fired before, so i was glad it ended on good terms.
the only downside to losing the job was realizing i wouldn't have the opportunity to flirt with Ray anymore, but it turns out he's a fucking white supremacist, so uh, yeah...not a big loss. he has "white power" on his knuckles, which is just fucking NUTS. i've never knowingly come into contact with someone like that before and i still can't fucking believe it. well, i sort of can, but only because it's typical that i would attract, and be attracted to, someone who is completely fucked in the head. i'm awesome like that. heh.

Justin is graduating from college on Saturday, so i'm going up there to visit. i believe Sandra will be joining me, which is rad. what isn't rad is that Justin is moving to California in August, which makes me the saddest Gina alive. he is the homosexual love of my life and i can't wrap my head around the idea of him being all the way over there. even though we don't see each other all that often since he's always at school, this still sucks. the weird thing is, the fact that i'll see him even less after he moves doesn't bother me even half as much as knowing he's going to be so far away. does that make sense to anybody? mow, i'm really bad with these situations. mow again.

i'm sure there's more i can say, but i can't think right now. too many beautiful distractions working to pull me away. they're good. oh, they are good!
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