Aug 12, 2006 14:09
ok, its been a few weeks since my last time on here, but honestly not much at all has happened, lol.
classes are over for the next two weeks, so i have 2 weeks to hang back and some projects set for final semester (yay! final semester!!!). i have my wheellock that im working on and getting set in the stock. that should take about a week to get it inletted in the stock almost fully down to the barrel. then after that i need to shape the stock and get it almost to final shape. since im making this stock for advanced stock making, it needs to be about 80% finished, also called a semi-inlet. actually thinking a bit now, i can inlet the lock plate all the way in because the internals arent all finished yet and i have to finish and then inlet all that. then after the class starts and i finish shaping and inletting everything, i can then start with some decorating of the stock since most wheellocks back in the day were decorated in some manner. but im thinking brass and silver wire and plate inlay, possibly some ivory and maybe some horn, too. but i dont know yet, im not even 100% set on a stock design yet. so i'll have to get going on that before too long.
also want to do what i like to call an "overhaul clean" to my room sometime in the next few weeks. thats when i spend an entire afternoon (sometimes longer) organizing, sorting, cleaning, vacuuming and mopping the room. most things that arent too heavy are removed from the room for a bit and the floor swept and mopped. so stuff like chairs, tools and tool boxes, food, laundry, guns, shoes, etc are all moved either outside into the hall or piled on the bed until the floor is done. but i wont do that today, lol. i want to make some more headway on my stock before i clean my floor. there will be lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of saw dust and wood chips when im done with it, lol.
well, i think i might get going with getting the lock into the stock today. it would be great if i could get it in all the way down today, but for now im just looking for some progress.