(no subject)

Sep 19, 2012 23:25

Listed more anime on ebay. I don't know how many will sell, but I want to get rid of some of them. I ended up destroying all the DVDs for Baccano, Basilisk, Dead Leaves and Lone Wolf and Cub this evening as well, because the content was so unholy, and to show that I could. It was suprisingly difficult; Terry Pratchett mentioned that any bookburning sems naturally wrong to most people because of a certain reverence for any written words. Of course he also wrote in Small Gods about the religious fanatic whose god was only an extension of himself, and an echo of his own voice inside his head. That picture may well haunt me until I die.

With a churchgoing family didn't really have a dramatic conversion event so I couldn't definately say how God has changed me. In a sense, any good development in me at all is from Him, in another sense, the amount of persistent, serious sin in my life suggests inescapable that I've kept Him from doing anything with me at all. Believing in God isn't ever enough; for my heart to really change I need to value nothing else. In order to really love God, I need to hate sin.

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