Thanks to the sheer, screaming incompetence of PSE&G, with an assist from my downstairs neighbor, nearly a quarter of this month's income had to go to the stupid utility. I had to scuttle my weekend plans and stay home to do freelance work, since we sort of need to eat for the rest of the month. Thanks, PSE&G. You made me miss a wedding. I hope you're proud of yourself.
As if that wasn't enough financial joy, the car's "maintenance required" light started going blinky-blinky on the dashboard, then lit up with a solid, ominous yellow gleam. We called the dealership and learned that we're due for our first-year tuneup. Which will have to wait, which means we'll have to go easy on the driving until we can take it in.
On the bright side,
racerexmachina found me an adorable Kagura image, which I will be turning into a Year of the Pig icon. Yay!
And in between transcription bouts, I finished
lordavon's art swap item (no, I haven't forgotten!) after three failed attempts, and made a pair of earrings for
girasole out of the green Venetian glass beads I picked up in Vegas. This was my first attempt at wire-wrapping, so of course I had to use fine-gauge sterling silver wire. Luckily I have found a fantastic store with dirt-cheap silver findings! Two attempts per earring, and not too much wasted silver wire later, I'm quite pleased with the results. I may have to try this again with some of the turquoise beads left over from the Macedonian Royal Family costuming spree last year. Girasole, I think you'll be pleased with the way these turned out -- I certainly am. I have named them "Young at Heart."
ETA: My mother has broken her foot. She'll be going in to see if she needs surgery next week. Kind of puts everything into perspective...any healing vibes sent her way greatly appreciated.