In an attempt (which I am failing at) to turn the channel from the ANTM marathon on the dreaded MTV, I come to thee, O LiveJournal.
Thing 1: OMG. Thursday! Nerdfighter-tastic! More exclamations! ¡Tengo
fotos en Facebook por vosotros!
Thing 2: Mi coche. I called our "car guy" and my brakes might finally be on the road to being fixed! No more jiggling at high speeds! No more whining at red lights and stop signs! Hurrah!
Thing 3: An abundance of interviews. Is six an abundance? It sure feels like it. I had a phone interview on Monday with Alma (in which my phone decided to die as I almost reached the plug to recharge it), during which they invited me to visit and get a better sense of what I might be getting into the next day. I think it went well! A trip to Olivet was my journey on Wednesday, along with seeing gas prices rise from $3.59 to $3.75 and up. I think that also went well! They only called four people to interview. The process goes something like: interview, interview more, rinse/repeat, rank candidates according to their awesome and how they would fit into your university's environment etc., send in rankings to the MCC office in Lansing this coming Friday, and then we candidates find out where we're going for the next year, then the VISTA conference in July in Boston. I'm kind of geeked out for Boston, no lie. Mmmm history + museums. This coming week I have a phone interview with Hope College on Monday, a phone interview with Delta on Tuesday morning and a trek to Schoolcraft that afternoon (and lunch at the Livonia Noodles? and finally visiting IKEA?!), and then up to Midland to interview for Northwood. I should get some kind of job out of six interviews, but I'm kind of gunning for Alma or Olivet out of proximity to home/Lansing/an actual university setting.
Thing 4: Going to back to my high school sometime this coming week to tell my old teachers how awesome my college experience was and what I'm going to do with my life now that I am in some kind of possession of a B.A. in History.
Thing 5: LOL @ Smokey on Scrubs.