(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 16:27

Ah, see. There I am, on the libertarian left. For comparison, politicalcompass.org puts both Obama and Clinton in the Authoritarian Right, along with all but two of the current presidential hopefuls.

I don't know how practically accurate that is (there are no questions on the test regarding war, for example). But I'd say that reflects my ideals pretty closely.

My Conservative Identity:

You are a Freedom Crusader, also known as a neoconservative. You believe in taking the fight directly to the enemy, whether it’s terrorists abroad or the liberal terrorist appeasers at home who give them aid and comfort.

Take the quiz at www.FightLiberals.com

Not a surprise.

I don't really care for sites like that... why exactly do I need to be fighting liberals? I'd sooner throw my lot in with the gay-marriage-and-feminism crowd than the purdah-and-crush-fags-to-death-under-heavy-stones crowd. Honestly, if fighting liberals is really your priority, I think you've got some serious perspective issues. Because you know. The men who hijacked planes and flew them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center and killed three thousand human beings were not liberals.

Eesh. I dislike Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly as much as I dislike Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore. I was interested in an editorial piece Olbermann did on habeas corpus. I even sometimes agree with Coulter, et al. But the way to fight snark and hysterics is not with more snark and hysterics. It's with honor and integrity. If you want the world to change, you start by leading by example.

Balance is good. Can you imagine what the country would look like, if it were dominated by either the left or right? It wouldn't be pretty. I deeply distrust anyone who thinks it would be.

political, political compass

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