Nov 19, 2008 19:45
So, after five and a half hours in a room with eight two-year-olds, a very tired GG came home to find INKDEATH waiting on her kitchen table for her!!!
.......It basically MADE MY DAY. I love, love, LOVE the Inkworld trilogy. Which is why I know it is called the Inkworld trilogy and not the Inkheart trilogy. ;) I read it on Funke's site, okay? Don't question the Funke.
So this October, the two trilogies I am reading and am madly in love with (Inkworld, Paradise Chronicles: The Showdown Cycle) both wrapped up with their final installments. Neither of which I have read yet (Inkdeath, Sinner respectively). However, I am planning on snagging a copy of Sinner for Christmas (MAJOR FANGIRLING MOMENT FOR THE MARVELOUS, EVER-MID-BOGGLING-LOLTASTIC-CREEPY-GENIUS-WITTY-CAN'T-DANCE-TO-SAVE-HIS-LIFE TED DEKKER LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS AND DRINK TEA TOGETHER OKAY?), and THERE'S INKDEATH SITTING ON MY KITCHEN TABLE. Sure, it's from the library, but I don't own Inkspell, either, so I'm okay with that. I just want to read ittttt XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
...Okay, so I guess Masciita was right about me having my own "uber-spastic, caffeinated side"... It's just... hidden beneath many layers of GG before you access it. XD Or you could just melt all those layers away by giving me INKDEATH. :D :D :D ...Or any other book I fangirl over. *coughTedDekkercough*
Besides that wonderfulness (and I am so gonna begin reading that book as soon as I post this!!), I kind of got one of my friends, Derek, totally hooked on DeathNote. So, in his crazy computer prowess, he downloaded all three DN movies, the entire DN anime, the entire DN manga, AAAAAAAND ALL THE SOUNDTRACKS FROM ALL FORMS OF DN GOODNESS. Both movie soundtracks as well as the anime soundtrack!!! OVER 100 SONGS OF DN GOODNESS AND NOW THEY'RE ALL MIIIIIIIIIINE. I AM SO COMPLETELY EXCITED. :D :D :D :D *major fangirl moment*
And I am just so happy to hear that your house is coming along, Masciita and MtM! And that you're both not frozen chicacicles!! XD And that you have TEH INTRAWEBZ. We need to seriously schedule a time we can meet on MSN to catch up, for I MISS YOU IMMENSELY AND EVERYTHING THE LIKE.
Failed NaNo miserably, btw. Maybe when I'm not drowning in pedagogy? :/
So I wish I was like MtM and Mascii and had someone to RP with living WITH me. Lucky buggers! XD lol But I still think it would be loads of fun if we somehow RPed with just our little cluster of characters at some point. Just for kicks and giggles.
ted dekker,
showdown cycle,
death note,