Will the wonders never cease?

Dec 07, 2004 03:32

Of all the...

So tonight I received a very interesting gift from a relative stranger. A kind-of attractive, really nice, nerdy (in a good way) guy (customer) came in to work tonight, as he does on many nights...and this time he brought me not one, but 2 cd's he made for me. WHAT??!!?!



So apparently toting around 4 stone 6 extra isn't a hindrance to EVERYONE. **evil grin**

This is a cool CD. It has all manner of bands on it, and no less than five are already rolling about in my iTunes library. Mmmm...Damien Rice. And now, Radiohead. I fear I should make at least a small attempt to fall asleep before half 4 this morning. I have become rather nocturnal of late. I find waking up at half 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon appalling, but not being able to sleep before dawn sort of rules out the possibilitly of waking earlier. Not that I don't enjoy a good lie in like everyone else, I just want to feel I have at least had some semblance of a real day. Today I awoke at 2:45 in the afternoon, got up/ready and drove to work, worked until 1 in the morning, and now I am at home, trying to make myself fall into bed. "Nothin' doin'," as they say.

Perhaps if I sleep I will be more inclined to wake early and exercise...

not bloody likely. At least Daniel appears to like me, just as I am.

(if movies taught me anything, weight isn't a hindrance...just ask Bridget Jones-or get me a straightjacket since I am suggesting holding conference with fictional characters...)

Time to kick it old school. What?
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