Oct 28, 2010 14:10
That's right. I'm going there. Today's movie is Manos: The Hands of Fate. Probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and, conversely, one of my favorite episodes of MST3K.
While driving across West Texas, a family on vacation come upon a remote home while looking for their vacation lodge. When they stop at the house to ask for directions they meet Torgo. He takes care of the place while "the master" is away. "The master" is a sinister cult leader who lives in the basement with his many brides. Turns out they all worship some sort of evil demon/god/thing/oh who the fuck cares at this point? Anyway, the cult also practices human sacrifice, and if you've ever seen any horror movie involving people who get lost I'm sure you can figure out what's going down here. Torgo promises to help the family escape the master's vile clutches, but his betrayal is soon discovered, and he pays the price for it. Now who will protect the family from evil cult?
Wow, this movie... it's just bad. I mean. Really bad. Horribly, horribly bad. It... causes pain... pain behind my eyes. Make it stop! Aahhhh!!