zestien - Destruction

Nov 25, 2011 23:33

[A] - 1447 Mitchell Rd.

[Holland is slowly, slowly waking up amidst rubble.  Once he gets past the disorientation of not waking in bed, of not feeling rested and realizing he'd passed out . . . he's going to look for others.  Canada, he knew, was droned, and he feared the worst for her, unable to really defend herself.  He knew Hilda was much more reliable.

Once he's able to, he calls out, coughing in the thick, dirty air as he starts to look around.  There's no sign of his rabbit either, which leaves him unsettled.]

[B] - About town.

[He didn't care anymore.  Nothing had been this destructive in Mayfield that he'd ever seen, so he's looking for Lucas.  He didn't feel good about leaving Hilda, but he was also hoping to find some more supplies. What they had in the basement would be okay for a day or so.  Having Canada with him was comforting, at least.  They're both looking for anybody to help.

ooc:  If your character is in danger or just lost, feel free to flag one of them down.]

[C] Market

[By now, he's found himself at what remained of the Market - practically nothing.  He's still going to dig for supplies using one of the only things he was able to salvage from the garage - a broken shovel.  Somehow, his hammer survived as well, in tact.

He's even managed to find a few useful, yet battered looking cans.  And he will be keeping them.  Every so often, he'll ask Canada, who is nearby, how things are going.]

[ooc:  Options for B and C are going to be replied to by either Canada, Holland, or both depending on how we feel pfft.  Be prepared.]

event, mayfield is stupid, bombfield

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